Epilogue- Long Live Perce

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"Welcome all Gods and demigods alike!" Zeus' voice boomed through the courtyard at Olympus. My eyes swept across the courtyard, taking in the faces of all demigods gathered at Olympus to celebrate the Gods' victory over the Titans again. "The Olympians host this event to revel in our victory and mourn for our fallen allies. Let this set an example to anyone who dares to threaten the might of the Olympian Council. I now let Hestia take over."

Lady Hestia was in her 8-year-old girl form, her eyes shining bright with hope.

"Demigods, we have all gathered here to honor all the demigods that have fallen protecting the Olympian's pride." She boldly stated, and to my surprise, none of the Gods opposed her words. "The Olympians, with Lord Zeus' endorsement, have planned a convention later this day to commemorate the heroic deeds of the demigods. The procession will be led by the Olympians themselves and anyone who wishes to honor our heroes is requested to join."

Lady Hestia bowed and Dionysus took her place at the front of the audience.

"Fellow Partygoers! Let's make today where we forget all our grievances and bask in victory, because you all have, once again, done us proud. Let the festivities begin!"

A loud cheer went up through the crowd as the courtyard changed. Cheerful decorations appeared all around the field whereas the sky above us shone with a thousand stars, all the constellations standing out bright. I could almost feel Zoe smiling down at us.

Percy's camp necklace had safely brought us back to the shores of Camp Half-Blood, which was already at war. Without wasting any time, Jay and I jumped into the Frenzy, with Jay pulling out Riptide from his right jeans pocket, just as Percy had done. Unfortunately, Perses and his army had already advanced to the borders of the camp and it had become a losing battle, until...

The campers were starting to get outnumbered as Perses' army of monsters abruptly started to grow in numbers. As Jay and I joined the battle, I quickly tried to judge the situation of the battle. The Ares Cabin had taken the frontline along with Nico and the Hephaestus Cabins. The Aphrodite and Demeter Cabins were charging in behind them, causing confusion among the ranks of the enemy. The Apollo Cabin and Artemis' Hunters were spread out along the borders of the camp, commanded by Chiron himself. Jason was already in the air, zapping random enemies with electricity and Luke was leading the charge from the front. From where I stood on the Battlefield, the Healers were already doing overtime. Not long after, we were being pushed back towards the camp.

"FALL BACK NOW!" Jason commanded from the air.

The campers slowly started to retreat towards the archers who were still launching volleys of arrows unto the enemy ranks, with many arrows finding their marks and disintegrating monsters on the spot, while others just landed on the ground. The archers were rapidly losing their arsenal of arrows.


The army of monsters was swiftly approaching the perimeter and even with Peleus bombarding them with torrents of fire, they weren't stopping. And then the tide changed...literally.

"CAMPERS STAND BACK!" A familiar voice bellowed and a wave of water crashed into the enemy's left flank, drowning them.

The river churned and Lord Poseidon himself arose from the waves, riding a hurricane, Percy-style. His eyes were glowing with harsh blue light while his crown gleamed in the light of the sun. He lifted his trident in the air and another familiar voice echoed through the clearing.


From the waves, Tyson and his army of Cyclopes joined the frontline with the campers.


Another command issued from within the ranks of the archers and as if on instinct, the Hunters of Artemis nocked their arrows and launched another volley of arrows, only this time, each of the arrows was glowing in silver or golden glows.

Right above the archers, Lady Artemis and Lord Apollo appeared, both with their bows drawn.

"ATTACK!" Poseidon issued another command and the army of Olympus charged into battle with renewed fury.

"For Perseus!" Jason shouted from in the air and charged into battle, his sword smoking from the electricity arcing around it.

Another cheer went by from the campers as the wave of the battle turned in a single moment, and not long after that, Poseidon, Artemis, and Apollo stood above Perses, weapons at the ready.

"Rot in hell Perses," Poseidon said and brought down his trident, piercing Perses' torso and sending him straight to Tartarus.

As everyone around me got lost in celebration around me, my eyes traveled to the edge of the courtyard where two lone figures stood, overlooking the city of Manhattan.

I quietly moved away from the party, greeting everyone on my way, and made my way over to the lone figures.

Jason and Luke seemed like a very odd pair, but there was one person who had connected them. Perseus Jackson, and now they seemed inseparable. Upon reaching their vicinity, I cleared my throat to get their attention.

"Hey, Annabeth, how're you holding up?" Luke asked me once both of them had turned. I saw Jason glare at Luke and mumbled something like she doesn't know, which, I clearly wasn't supposed to hear, but I did.

"It's okay Jason, I know Percy was Seaweed Brain," I declared, and both their eyes widened. "It happened in Greece," I began retelling those final moments with Percy, and I could feel a distinct burn in my eyes and a heaviness in my heart. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Luke keep his hand on Jason's shoulder.

As I finished, Luke stepped forward and embraced me tightly, while Jason put an arm on my shoulder as a sign of his support before stepping back.

"I'll leave you guys to talk."

We waited until Jason was out of earshot.

"You know, "Luke slowly began. "Even after all the campers and Gods didn't believe him, Percy never ceased believing in all of you. Yes, he was a bit hurt after all that went down, but eventually, he had accepted the truth and forgiven you in the blink of an eye. Before he flew to the Ancient Lands, he had wanted to reveal his true self, but he never got the chance."

"At least, he cleared the air between us. He loved Jay more than anything in the world and he would literally die for him."

"What good times were those, where all this 'Ancient Greek heroes Drama' didn't exist."

"Yeah, you know what, let's go honor his wishes before this party ends!"


"They say that none of us will leave this world alive. So, for his part, he intended to leave the biggest and most beautiful footprint he could.

'Maybe yours will be right next to mine, that it is together we walk, together we leave a path to guide future generations.'

"He had said. And he did what he said. He left us all with a footprint right in our hearts, minds, and souls."

I concluded and smiled at the seven, plus Nico, Reyna, and Luke.

"Let today be remembered as the greatest day in the history of Greek Gods. Let today be named as Saviours Day." Zeus boomed from the makeshift thrones set up in the courtyard of Olympus, and a loud wave of cheers erupted from the crowd gathered there.

Once the ceremony to commemorate Percy was over, all demigods were gathered in the Arena at camp, and Chiron was stood facing all the campers.

"...We are grateful for everything the Olympians did for Perseus, but knowing him, he would have rejected everything Zeus said or did," everyone laughed at that. "So today, we will remember him like he would have wanted all of us to. Let tonight be lost in memories and moments spent along with Percy, and let him be remembered in all our hearts. Long live Percy!"



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