Chapter 5

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Adrien smiled at his cousin and his soulmate. He had congratulated the two the moment he had joined in on their conversation. Lila seemed quite happy having found her soulmate, and although Felix doesn't look like he is sharing the same excitement, Adrien knows that his cousin is happy. He could tell by the glint of joy in his eyes. Felix only has that glint when he's 1) doing magic or 2) goofing off with their friends. Now he has that look when standing next to Lila. Adrien's happy for him.

"Tch. Why is everyone focusing on Lila and Felix? It's supposed to be my day" Chloe pouted, crossing her arms.

"Don't worry, Chloe" Sabrina smiled at her. "The day is still about you. We're just happy that Lila found her soulmate, that's all"

"Hmph. Fine" Chloe agreed.

"I should go tell auntie about this" Adrien chimed.

"No! Don't do that" Felix grabbed Adrien's arm before he could leave.

"Why? I would love to meet your mom. I am going to be part of your family one day, after all" Lila wrapped her arm around Felix's.

"As much as I love my mother, I know for a fact that she's going to be annoying about this, and I..." His thought drifted off and he averted his gaze to the ground. A slight blush made its way to his cheeks. "I don't want her to embarrass me in front of my friends"

"Aww. How sweet" Lucien and Grace cooed.

"Who knew our mauvais chat could be so cute?" Ruben mockingly pinched Felix's cheek.

"Shut up" He snapped.

Owen laughed and turns to talk to you, only to realize that you were no longer standing beside him. He looked around but couldn't find you at all. He tapped on Calixte's shoulder, grabbing everyone's attention. "Uh, guys, where's (y/n)?"

"She's right - huh? Wait" Manu looked around as well.

"We lost (y/n)?" Ruben turned serious.

"My baby!" Grace grabbed Cecil's arm.

"Adrien, Grace, Cecil, Owen, and I can go look for her" Kagami suggested. They nodded and split ways.

A pit of worry started to build up in Adrien's stomach for some strange reason. You're never one to leave by yourself at a crowded party. Mainly because you hate crowds and like to stick to the group so you don't get lost. Plus, you seem to always get into trouble when you're left alone. The last time you were at a party without any of your friends there, you had punched a friend of the mayor. Granted, the man was a drunk pervert that was harassing a waitress and deserved every punch you threw at him, but your parents got so upset that they almost grounded you for a whole year.

"Don't worry. I'm sure (y/n) is okay" Kagami grabbed his hand. She knows how much Adrien views you as an older sister, and she sees you as one as well. You were the first person outside of his small circle of friends to reach out to him. You got the three underclassmen to break out from their shells. It's only natural for Adrien to feel protective.

He smiled at her in response, squeezing her hand, and nodded. That's right. You can handle yourself.


You coughed one last time, catching a petal in your hand. You were sitting down on the bathroom floor. The entire scene continues to replay in your head. You could still feel the petals rising in your throat.

You really want to believe that the boy you saw was not your soulmate. You wanted to believe that this was all just a dream. You even prayed that it was. But, deep inside, you knew that this was all real. That the boy is your soulmate. That the flowers you have coughed up signify an unrequited love. You began to cry again.

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