Chapter 35

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Five days have passed since 'the incident.' The doctors have cleared you stable enough to be discharged from the hospital, but according to what Owen has told the group, they also said that you were to still be on bed rest. The doctors had also told your parents that the medication they provided for you can only do so much and finding your soulmate would be the best and fastest way to recovery. Of course, your friends were upset when they found this out. Everyone except for Adrien.

Adrien was still feeling conflicted about the whole thing. He hasn't seen you since you were rushed to the hospital. In fact, he actually didn't even go into the room to talk to you. After he had his conversation with Plagg, Adrien left and told Kagami to tell you that he wishes you well. He just couldn't bring himself to see you. So he's been at home trying to gather his thoughts and trying to understand how he feels.

Is he worried about you? Absolutely. He still considers you as one of his best friends, there's no doubt about that. But he's also still angry. Not just at you, though. He's angry at both you and Marinette for dating and that he was practically the last one in his friend group to know, so he's also pissed at everyone who knew about your relationship and didn't tell him. Are you two still even dating? He's still unsure about that.

But besides that, he's also been thinking about the blue-eyed guitarist that broke your heart.

Now, Adrien would typically side with the rest of his friends and hate anyone who'd dare hurt any one of them. If this was just a random asshole of a guy, Adrien would be helping the rest of your friends in plotting his demise. But this is Luka. Adrien may have only hung out with him one time but even when they met at the party, he never got the vibe that Luka was the type of person who'd hurt someone intentionally.

Was Luka in the wrong for trying to make a move on his soulmate, completely choosing to ignore the person he was fated to be with? Yes, but you and Marinette did the very same thing. Adrien was about to until he managed to have a quick conversation with Marinette. She should have explained everything to him then, so that's her fault too. He figured that she probably didn't know of Luka's feelings though. She seemed genuinely surprised when he confessed. And Luka looked the same when he saw you. He probably regretted his actions right then and there.

"Ugh," Adrien hung his head low. He was sitting in front of his mother's statue in the garden with Monsieur Fromage on his lap. "I don't know what to do mom, Should I be pissed off at everyone? Or should I be worried for my friends?"

Am I even allowed to feel like this?


The blonde looked up to see his father standing a few feet away from him with his arms behind his back. Gabriel cleared his throat. "Mind if I join you?"

Adrien was still shocked over the fact that his father snuck up on him, so the only thing that came out of his mouth was a long "uhhhh."

The man gestured to the statue with his hand, and it was then that Adrien realized that his father actually wanted to talk. Weird.

"Oh, um, yeah. Sure." He moved over a bit so his father could sit next to him.

"So this is where you go to hide." His father moved to stand next to him rather than sit. So that must mean that this conversation was going to be short, just like always. Gabriel continued to stare at the statue, not once sparing a glance over to his son. "Is something wrong?"

Adrien gripped the sleeves of his hoodie. He hated that question. Especially if it was coming from him. It always felt insincere and void of any and all emotion. It didn't use to be that way when Adrien was younger - when his mom was alive. His father used to smile more. He used to laugh at whatever pranks Adrien and Emelie had waiting for him. He used to tackle him into hugs and ambushed him with kisses. While his mother was always the more caring and loving parent, always being the first to check on him when he woke up from a nightmare or was sick, it was his father who would always be the one to stay with him throughout the night. And sure, Adrien isn't a child anymore and doesn't need his father to express his love like that anymore but it's just... It's just that Adrien only expected to lose one parent when his mother died, not both.

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