Chapter 13

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Your phone continued to ding as multiple text messages from your friends came in. You're supposed to be in school right now, but instead, you're at the skatepark. You know that your friends would cover for you so that the school wouldn't have to notify your family. That still doesn't mean that your friends wouldn't get mad at you though. They would have loved to ditch school with you. You would have asked them to too, but you needed to be alone at this moment.

You placed your phone down a couple of feet away from you with your camera on. You pressed the record button and sat back down in your spot. With a deep breath, you started to strum the strings of your guitar and began to sing.

You were finally able to finish the song you were having trouble with. You needed to thank Marinette for that. You weren't kidding when you said that she inspires you. She makes you want to become a better version of yourself. She makes you forget about the flowers that you wake up coughing to. In a short amount of time, she has become someone dear to your heart. You want to express that to her.

And you're doing it in one of the only ways you know how to.

Once you finished the song, you ended the recording. You let out a deep breath. Your chest felt lighter somehow. Almost as if a weight was lifted off of it. You grabbed your phone and began editing the video so that you could upload it.

"I hope she likes it," You said to yourself once you were done.


Marinette was spending her time in class doodling again. She was thinking back to the other night. The two of you were so close to each other. She was able to feel your warm breath on her. If you or she had just leaned in a bit faster, your lips would have met. The two of you could have kissed.

She would have been kissing you.

She looked at the small sketch she did of you at the side of her notes. Oh. So that's why her coughs have been less painful lately. She's fallen in lo-

"Marinette" Alya's voice quickly snapped her out of her thoughts. "Class just ended. What's up in your mind?"

"Huh? Oh. Nothing" Marinette's cheeks blushed red. She looked around to see her classmates leaving. She began to distract herself by packing up.

Alya isn't a fool. She was able to easily pick up on her best friend's flushed behavior. A large smirk spread across her lips. "Wait a minute, Marinette. Do you possibly have a crush?"

Marinette froze. Alya took her silence as a yes. Her mouth dropped at the news. She wrapped her arm around the girl and they began walking toward the quad. "No way! Did you meet your soulmate? Who is it? How'd you meet them?"

"It's not my soulmate" Marinette muttered. Alya took a moment to pause. Marinette's gaze downcast. Before Alya could ask any other question, Marinette's phone dinged with a notification. You uploaded a new video. Alya glanced over her shoulder to watch it with her.

Am I allowed to look at her like that?
Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at?
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture
And she means everything to me


I'd never tell
No I'd never say a word
And oh it aches
But it feels oddly good to hurt
She smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture
And she means everything to me

Oh, oh
Oh, oh

And I'll be okay
Admiring from afar
Cause even when she's next to me
We could not be more far apart
And she tastes like birthday cake, and storytime, and fall
But to her I taste of nothing at all

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