Chapter 48

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Luka strummed his guitar, singing in a low whisper. His body went on autopilot as his thoughts flooded back to last night. The way you two danced in your living room, the feel of your hand in his, your arm wrapped around him, your body close - it was like a dream. A dream that continued in his sleep and ended with a sweet kiss. But that's not what happened. The moment didn't last forever as he wished it did because he chose to end it. Just like always.

It's not like he wanted to let go of your hand - he really wanted to pull you even closer and wrap his arms around you in a tight hug - but he couldn't bear the way you looked at him. If he wasn't dancing with you and was a spectator instead, he would have saved himself the heartache of seeing the sadness and confusion grow in your gaze. At first, he enjoyed the way you focused on him. You looked at him in a way that made his heart jump out of his chest and everything he's ever been worried about melted away. You looked at him, and he felt hope blossom. But as seconds passed, he saw the way your brows slightly creased together and your thoughts spiraled. He doesn't know what you were thinking, but if it had you looking at him with such sadness, he doesn't want to know.

"Alright, as much as I like hearing you play, break time is over." His boss tapped his knuckles on the break room table, snapping Luka out of his thoughts. "I got some deliveries for you to make."

"Right away, sir." Luka smiled, quickly putting his guitar back in its case. He picked up the boxes of pizza that were waiting for delivery and headed outside.

He rode through the streets of Paris with his headphones on. The music usually helped him take his mind off his thoughts, but his brain still flashed the memory of last night. It didn't help that every song that came up was a love song. Stupid shuffle.

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah
I don't know what to say since the twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now

Luka knows that what he feels for you is strong. He already loves you like a friend and is certain if given the chance, he would love you as something more. But he wonders if his feelings for you are strong enough to re-tie the thread. Does he even want that? Do you?

What if you do give him the chance and the two of you date but then decide to end it? Would you still be friends? He would hope so. After all, you both have already talked about wanting each other in your lives. So if you both decide to date, then you'd both be confident that your friendship can outlast even that. Luka already feels confident in that. If a relationship doesn't last or if neither of you want to be soulmates, he's prepared to beg the universe to make you his twin flame.

But if he were given a second chance to have you as a soulmate... would he take it? After everything he felt growing up, would he still feel this way about you in future lives? He wants to say that he would - that his feelings would remain the same. But he can't be completely certain, can he?

"Is something on your mind?" Luka looked up at the man who he had just passed two boxes of pizza to. He had piercing golden eyes that stood out from his tan complexion and looked to hold years of wisdom even though he looked only a couple of years older than Luka. It was almost eerie but his large toothy smile was kind. Luka felt like he knew him from somewhere. "You look lost in thought."

"Oh, it's nothing. Thank you, though." Luka smiled. His gaze flickered to the sudden movement in the man's hoodie. A teal-colored snake poked its head out. Its green beady eyes stared back at him, and Luka believed the snake was smiling at him. "Cool snake."

"Thank you." The man brought the snake further out from his sweater, revealing the snake's beautiful black-diamond scale pattern. "Do you want to hold him?"

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