Chapter 34

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"Do you want us to cut your thread?"

The words sent a chill down your entire body. It was as if Duusu had just admitted to murder and was telling you that you were next. You gripped the sheets of your hospital bed. Your grandmother's words echoed in your mind, reminding you to stand strong against fear.

"What thread?" You hoped your voice didn't shake. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Kwan stepped forward and pulled Duusu away. Duusu didn't seem to mind being shoved aside. The two exchanged looks, which seemed to only make Duusu giggle some more. Kwan shook their head. "Don't mind them. Let's start over."

Kwan pulled out a card from their back pocket and handed it to you.

"I'm Kwan Huang, this is Duusu Mayurika. We assist Mr. Fu, here, in handling certain soulmate situations."

You stared at the card. It was a red card with Kwan's name, profession (antique dealer?), phone number, and email, along with a few words on the back. Don't let the flame die. Reminds you of a fortune cookie.

You stared back at them. Fu had gone to sit on the chair beside the bed, a smile plastered on his face. Based on the conversations you had with the man, he always looked like an innocent old man. You thought he surrounded himself with similar company. You were clearly wrong. His associates look to be ready to jump someone for money.

You can't let them intimidate you any longer. You were raised to be better than that. Closing your eyes, you took a moment to calm your nerves. When you reopened them, you noticed Duusu standing by the window, wrapping the curtains around their body like a blanket.

"What do you mean by cutting the thread?" You turned to Kwan.

Before they could have the chance to speak, Duusu had thrown the curtains off of them and jumped to sit by your side. "I can answer that."

They gestured to your arm, the one wrapped in bandages that covered your tattoo. Although you didn't like the way their grin grew wider, reminding you of one of those scary photoshopped images online that are used for jumpscares, you let them unwrap the bandages. Duusu's nails lightly traced over the outline of your tattoo. For a moment, you thought their eyes glowed red.

"Have you ever wondered how these tattoos came to be?" Their eyes met yours for a moment, their smile gone. It sent a chill down your body. "How is it possible that a simple mark of ink can detect your destined person?"

Duusu leaned back, their eyes wandering around the room almost as if they're following something invisible. "The origin of soulmates is so ancient that the entire world has forgotten the story. It's honestly tragic if you think about it," their voice softened into a sad tone, "Their love was so grand that it changed the entire concept of the world yet no one remembers them. Their memory lives in vain."

What are they talking about? You raised a brow at them. The origin of soulmates? Wasn't the world just always like this?

There was a heavy feeling in your chest. A cry wanting to be let out. A sadness so large that you knew it wasn't yours. You've already let out all your tears. All that was left now was anger and exhaustion. This sadness was something else.

"And then there are those like you," Duusu's gaze fell back onto you. "Those who despise their soulmate and wish they never had one."

You gripped the sheets of your hospital bed. You weren't in the mood to be lectured about that right now. You just had flowers plucked out of your lungs so you don't want to hear some random stranger tell you that you have to love your soulmate because some random tattoo on your skin tells you to. More than that, you hate that they're talking to you as if they know you. As if they know every thought and emotion you ever had and will have.

"What the fuck makes you think that?" You glared at them.

Duusu's wide grin returned. However, before they could even speak, the door opened and a man and woman stepped in. The woman had bright scarlet red hair and the man wore a lavender suit.

"Sorry we're late," he smiled before noticing you and Duusu. That was when his smile turned into a frown. "Duusu, you better not have been saying anything troubling to Miss (l/n)."

"Nooroo, Tikki, you finally made it," Mr. Fu smiled. "Where's Plagg?"

The woman, Tikki, let out a tired sigh. "Probably somewhere gorging in snacks."

"Nooroo!" Duusu ran and tackled the man into a hug. They pouted their lips as they saw his frown tighten. "Don't look at me like that. We were only talking."

Nooroo relaxed and shook his head. He turned to you with a small smile on his lips. It startled you a bit. He looked sweet, but you don't want to assume anything after just meeting Duusu. "I apologize for anything this idiot said. Don't take anything that they said to heart. They just like to get into people's skin."

He looked so emotionally exhausted while Duusu hopped around him. Yet you also noticed the small tug of a smile as he talked to Duusu. He had a glimmer in his eyes when he looked at them. The emptiness in your chest returned the more you looked at the two.

"What we said is the truth." You turned to look at Kwan. "Whether or not you want to accept it is up to you."

You sat silent for a moment, staring at Kwan. Something about them felt familiar. Duusu had gotten all of your attention with their talking that you didn't take the time to pay more attention to Kwan. They had a mysterious yet sad air to them like they were upset about something. Maybe that's why they feel familiar. Their energy matches yours at the moment.

A loud noise buzzed from outside your room. You could hear the sound of flashes and a group of people chatting to doctors and security who were trying to get them to leave, which only meant two things. Your parents are here and they couldn't chase off the paparazzi.

"I think we disturbed you long enough, (y/n)." Fu stood up from his seat and smiled at you. "I apologize if we upset you, but please do consider our offer." He then bowed his head, "I wish you a safe recovery."

With that, he gestured to the others to follow him. Kwan smiled slightly at you before leaving the room with Tikki. Duusu waved their fingers at you and tugged at Nooroo, who had just sighed in response. He had just got here and had hoped to talk to you more. Especially after bumping into Luka. He wonders if Sassz has any plan to help him. In the meantime, all he can do is hope that everything will sort itself out.

You didn't have a chance to think much after they left since your parents stormed into your room with your friends right behind them.


They tackled you into a hug, which hurt a lot more because of your surgery. They were also talking so fast that you honestly couldn't understand what either of them were saying. Not like you would be able to focus either way. Your mind was still focused on the card in your hand.

I can cut the thread...


No further updates this weekend and Monday so I can prepare for my last final. See ya'll Tuesday :)

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