Chapter 45

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Adrien stood still as stylists surrounded him, measuring and adjusting his clothes. Another pair of stylists were doing the exact same thing to Lila, who was grinning ear to ear with excitement. Felix, Chloe, Sabrina, and Kagami sat around the lounge area of the room.

"I've never modeled before. This is so exciting." She looked over at him. "Tell your dad thanks for me."

Adrien nodded his head with a small polite smile. He doesn't have the heart to tell her that his father could care less about her thanks. The man has been so busy as of late that Adrien doesn't believe his father even knows who the models are. Nathalie does, though, because she was the one that let Adrien suggest his group of friends. Lila honestly wasn't in the original lineup.

"It was really all Felix's doing." Kagami looked up from her phone to correct Lila.

"He needed one more teen girl since (y/n) decided to drop out." Felix shrugged, dropping the book he was reading down on his lap.

There's a total of sixteen models, eight of which are adults and eight teens. Besides Adrien, the original lineup of teen models includes Felix, Ruben, Lucien, Kagami, Cecil, Chloe, and you. Chloe got put in after Grace declined the offer, preferring to help out with wardrobe and make-up alongside Manu. And after the whole flower situation happened, you decided to drop out and Felix got Lila to stand in. So that means you're going to be in the crowd with Owen and Calixte, who are both going to be sitting with the rest of the photographers.

"It was a good thing she did." Chloe was checking herself in her clasped mirror, fixing her hair. "Not that I don't think she wouldn't make a good model or anything. I just think she would take away the spotlight with how many articles there were about her being hospitalized, which means Adrikins and I won't be the stars of the show anymore."

Kagami rolled her eyes, turning to look at her. "You make it sound like that's bad. We all know any press is good press in the eyes of our parents."

"And plus," Adrien cut in before Chloe could make any sort of rude retort about you, "(y/n) is still going to be at the show. Marinette is going to meet up with her beforehand."

"How are you two anyway?" Sabrina, who has been working on homework this entire time, looked up at him with a teasing smile. "You've been picking Marinette up almost every day."

Adrien's own smile grew. His whole body relaxed at the simple thought of Marinette. They've gotten close now and he already knows he loves her as a friend. He's certain his feelings will grow to change later down the line, but for now, he's happy to have her by his side. He'll wait however long until she's ready.

Chloe grunted and snapped her mirror shut. "I still can't believe Baker-Girl is your soulmate, Adrikins. I was expecting someone more our class."

Both Felix and Kagami shared an annoyed look before directing their glares toward Chloe. Kagami crossed her arms over her chest while Felix raised an eyebrow at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Marinette's a nice girl," Adrien frowned. "I don't get why you hate her so much. What did she ever do to you?"

"I would also like to know that." Kagami turned to Sabrina for answers, already knowing that Chloe would never say.

"Oh. That's because in the sixth grade -"


"What?" Sabrina flinched at how loudly Chloe shrieked her name. It even startled the group of stylists, causing them to pause and give odd looks toward the girl. "They want to know and it's honestly not that bad."

"Not that bad!" Chloe stood up, a deep frown pressing her lips. She stomped her foot on the ground like a small child. "She ruined my yearbook picture!"

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