Chapter 47

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The moment you saw that teal blue snake staring at you with a life-size body you knew you were dreaming. The snake was swaying back and forth, its forked tongue flickering out as it hissed. You should feel scared - it looked like it was going to attack - but all you felt was calm. Its golden eyes bore into you and you weren't afraid. You felt safe because the snake knew you. It knew every one of your lives just like Kwan. It has watched over you since your soul came into existence. And then the snake burned away. You watched its body disintegrate into ashes, your heart breaking at the sight. A soft voice echoed a goodbye.

May we meet again one day.

You woke up staring at your ceiling with tears falling down the sides of your face. You blinked and quickly wiped the tears away. There was a knock on your door and the sound of Florence's voice carried through.

"Breakfast is ready."

"I'm going."

Your parents were already seated at the table eating and reading through their emails like always. Florence had already laid out a plate for you. You took a deep breath, placing the dream you had deep in the back of your mind, and sat down to eat.

"Are you dropping by the vineyard later today?" Your father didn't look up from his phone.

"Can't. Gonna hang out with Luka and the gang later." You continued eating.

"You've been spending an awful lot of time with this Luka friend of yours." Your mother put her tablet down to stare at you. Everything seemed to freeze the moment she did. Your father paused and flicked his gaze between the two of you. You felt your heart stop momentarily and you wanted nothing else but to take your plate and leave, but you can't do that. You're frozen still under her stare.

"We're friends."

Your mother sighed and smiled. "Oh, sweetheart. We know."

"Know what?" You glanced at your father for help, but he just shrunk himself into drinking his coffee. The way his eyes widened was enough of a sign that told you he didn't want to be here either.

"That he's your soulmate." Her smile grew and your stomach churned. You knew this would happen eventually, you just didn't expect it to be this morning.

You could tell the truth and risk the wrath of your parents being upset. They'll only ground you for an eternity. Yeah, you are not doing that. Maybe at a better time, but for now, a lie would do just fine.

"About that, Mom, I -"

"Bring him over for dinner tonight. We'd love to meet him."

"What about the opening night for Cyrano?"

"The play director can tell me how it went. This is more important, so invite him." She stood up, taking her coffee and tablet with her, and patted your shoulder.

"Dad." You looked at him the moment your mom left the room.

"I got it." He stood up and went to follow after your mom. He placed a kiss on the top of your head as he passed. "Behave."

"No promises." You smiled at him.

After a quick moment of silence, Florence took a seat next to you. She wasn't smiling but you knew she wanted to. Hearing that you met your soulmate is the highlight of her day.

"Don't." You went back to picking at your food.

"I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, but you want to." You looked over at her and she finally smiled. "I don't want to talk about it."

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