Chapter 22

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Adrien watched Ruben and Manu chase each other around the park. Lucien and Calixte were cheering on Manu to turn and splatter Ruben with some paint. Adrien sat on his skateboard, laughing hysterically at his friends' antics beside Felix, who was smirking while recording this all on his phone. These are the moments the blonde model enjoys the most. It's what helps him feel better from all of the coughing and loneliness at home.

"Gotcha!" Ruben grabbed Manu's waist and pulled him towards him.

"No," Manu turned around and revealed the spray can he was hiding. "I got you!"

Ruben's eyes widened with dread as his soulmate began to spray paint his grey t-shirt. If it were anyone else, Ruben might have gotten upset over this. But he loves Manu with his entire heart and mind that he wouldn't care if Manu had ripped up his favorite shirt or dirtied his favorite white pairs of shoes. Manu is Ruben's weakness and he could do no harm to him.

"Well, looks like we're missing all the fun." They all turned to see Owen walk up to the spot with Luka right behind him.

"Owen!" Calixte ran over and tackled the boy. "What took you so long? The girls already left."

He didn't let Owen explain as he quickly turned his attention to Luka. "And Luka, you're here too! What's up, man? Welcome to our hang-out spot! Why do you smell like pizza? Did you just come from work?"

"Okay, who let Cal drink soda?" Owen glanced over at Lucien.

"I didn't drink soda. I ate a bunch of sweets from Manu's stash." Cal whispered to Luka. The two stifled their laughs, knowing that Cal would be in trouble if Manu knew.

They joined the group by the ramp Adrien was sitting in. Adrien stood up at the sight of the newcomer. He's heard a lot about Luka from you, but this is the first time he's actually seen him. "Hi, I'm -"

"Adrien Agreste," Luka shook his hand. "I've seen your ads all over town. I'm Luka Couffaine, the one -"

"(y/n) is constantly talking about. I've been hearing about how talented you are," Adrien smiled. Luka smirked at how the blonde mirrored him just now.

"I don't think (y/n) talks about me that much, does she?" Luka glanced at the others.

"Oh, I think you're underestimating just how big of a Kitty Section fan she is," Owen patted his shoulder.

Luka felt the corners of his lips lift up higher when hearing that. After knowing just how talented and influential you are, he felt shy about hearing how much you like the band's music. Rose mainly comes up with their lyrics, but all of the melodies are Luka's works. He doesn't know why but he feels more confident now.

"The feeling's mutual." He smiled at them.

The guys smiled back at him. As they were all getting their things, Luka took a moment to glance around their spot. He admired all of the murals and random graffiti art. Some of them were random (like a pizza in sunglasses surfing) while others were more intricate (like the painting of a cat staring at the moon and stars). He paused when he saw the scratched-out words 'You're the only voice I wanna hear in my head'. The thick dark black line that ran across the letters looked rushed - almost as if it was done out of anger. And just a few other ramps after that, he saw spray-painting of flowers.

Blue-violets and camellias.

His eyes scanned down to see your and Marinette's names under it. He wanted to be able to admire the fact that Marinette has been here and worked to create a beautiful piece of art with you, but he couldn't help but feel a bit concerned.

He's seen enough pictures of your song journal to recognize your writing. So were you the one to cross out those words on the other ramp? If so, why? What made you upset? And why flowers? Not that there's anything wrong with wanting to paint flowers, but after reading that crossed-out phrase, he worried that there was something more going on.

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