Chapter 46

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This is slightly unedited so excuse any errors


Music blasted from the speakers. Luka was able to hear it all the way from outside the studio room. A small group of people stood outside watching the larger group inside the room through the glass window door. The number above the door was the same one the lady at the front desk told him where you would be, and sure enough, looking inside, you were.

You stood in the middle of the large group, who were all either sitting or standing around the back and sides of the room in order to give you and Grace enough space to move around. The two of you mirrored each other's movements, coming together every few seconds or so to twirl the other and switch places. The audience cheered along and some recorded the dance on their phones.

Luka watched you from the outside. He saw the shift in your eyes from being fully focused on keeping your movements on time with the rhythm to pure glee the moment you and Grace share a look, bright wide smiles breaking through you both. He saw the way you lost yourself within the dance, letting the music flow and control you. Each and every move you made was the most elegant he's ever seen. The word beauty was unable to encompass everything that you are.

The song ended, and both you and Grace ended your dance sitting on the ground, back to back, with your knees up and heads low. Cheers and applause replaced the music, bringing the two of you back to reality. The small crowd at the door started to depart once they saw a woman step toward the front of the room. The instructor gave quick applause to all the groups that performed today before dismissing everyone.

Luka walked in after the door opened and people began to file out. You stood around in the back corner with Grace, gathering your things. Grace was the first to notice him. She nudged you, getting you to look up.

"Hey, you're early." You slung your bag over your shoulder.

"Thought I could catch your performance. It was great." He glanced over at Grace. "Remind me to never get kicked by you."

Grace laughed. "You know I'm going to aim for the face, huh?"

"Short and deadly. I'm terrified." He smirked.

"And you should be." You nudged her. "Every single one of my friends are insane."

"So that means you gotta be insane too." Grace squinted her eyes at him.

"I like to believe I'm providing the sanity in all your chaos." He glanced over at you.

You mocked a wince. "Sorry, that job is taken by Owen."

He shrugged. "Never hurts having two angels on your shoulders."

Both you and Grace shared a look that screamed pure trouble. Luka wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to know the details of your telepathic conversation. Better not to. That way he won't have any information to give when being questioned.

"There's still time to find out how insane you are." Grace wrapped an arm around Luka's elbow and began pulling him along. You did the same on his other side, laughing lightly. Luka smiled at the sound.

You and Grace left him to go to the dressing rooms to change. The three of you made plans to go to the mall. Owen, Calixte, and Manu should already be there since the others are going to be busy with their fittings for the fashion contest.

"So you already have some admirers here," you said after coming out to meet him in the lobby. He was patiently waiting with his headphones on, keeping himself distracted by listening to some of Kitty Section's demos.

"How? I didn't even talk to anyone." His brows furrowed when he saw the group that exited the dressing room with you stare at him with shy smiles. Their giggles turned into silent squeals when he gave a polite wave and then they were gone.

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