Chapter 49

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"I can't do this anymore." Grace slumped her head on the desk table, pushing her math textbook away. She turned her head so she can look at Lucien - who was sitting next to her working on his history lesson - and pouted. She poked his arm. "My dearest brother, would you -"

"You have that money you owe me?" He didn't look away from his laptop screen, his fingers typing away. Grace clicked her tongue and sat up.

"You know I don't."

"And whose fault is that?" He smirked, still keeping his focus on his screen. "I hope all that shopping you do was worth getting your allowance taken away."

"Everything I buy is for the purpose of making me happy, so I have no regrets." She held her head high.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." Cecil scooted her seat closer to Grace, pulling the textbook back toward her. Grace smiled and snuggled closer.

"You're the best." She kissed her cheek, but her mind still wasn't ready to go back to numbers just yet. So while Cecil looked over her work, Grace turned to where you were working on your own assignments from across the table. She tapped your leg to get your attention. "Need a ride to the hospital?"

"Nah. Luka offered to take me. Thank you, though." You looked up just as Calixte threw a paper airplane toward Ruben, who was so focused on his studies that he didn't care to notice that it landed on the inside of his hoodie. But at the mention of Luka, all of your friends paused their work to look at you.

"Luka is going with you... to the hospital... to visit your grandmother?" Grace raised her eyebrows. The rest of your friends had similar expressions. Owen and Manu were the only ones that didn't seem too surprised as the rest, but you could still see the slight shock in their eyes.

"He just offered to take me." You looked back down at your textbook, avoiding their gazes. "He has band practice so he wouldn't even be staying."

"Right." Owen cleared his throat and glanced at the group. "Besides, it wouldn't be weird if he did stay. Since he's... y'know."

"Oh, yeah. Totally." Grace nodded her head, her smile tight in order to mask the shock that was there before. The others mumbled out their agreements, which only made you sigh.

It's not like you could blame any of them. All of your friends have only gone with you to visit your grandmother a handful of times - and even then, they never entered the hospital room with you. They know and respect how private you view the topic, so hearing that someone new is going with you is a surprise. But in their minds, they're still in the belief that you and Luka are together so it only makes sense that he'll be with you. Although that isn't the case.

You had simply told Luka about your plans last night over a game of Valorant, and he simply offered to take you since he'll be getting out of his shift and on his way to practice. He has no intent on staying and was only offering out of the kindness of his heart because that's just who he is. Kind, sweet, respectful, - his contact photo flickered on your phone - handsome - wait. No. Not again. Curse you brain.

"That should be him." You looked at the text on your phone and began to pack your things. Once that was done, you slung your bag over your shoulders and bid your friends bye. "Don't get banned without me."

"No promises." Calixte called back with a grin, earning a strong 'sh' from the librarian.

You spotted Luka as soon as you were outside. He was standing by a newspaper and magazine stand and was flipping through an issue that had Jagged Stone and his soulmate/agent Penny on the cover. Looking at him from afar, you thought back to the drawings you did of Luka after you first saw him at Chloe's party. There were a few details you got wrong, but for the most part, you captured him well.

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