Chapter 25

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It was happening. The day you long waited for was happening this weekend. The outfits were ready and everyone's schedules were cleared. With the date set, you honestly don't know how to wait any longer. You've been counting the days and hours to the point where your friends have noticed and begun to tease you about it. Grace had joked earlier at school that Marinette might just become jealous over how much you and Luka talk to each other. You just rolled your eyes at the thought. You know that you and Marinette aren't afraid to tell each other anything. If one of you felt jealous, you would simply say something. Plus, Luka has a thing for one of his friends.

As to who that friend is is still a mystery. You wonder if you know them or maybe already met them through Marinette. He did say that his crush is a childhood friend. But all of the friends you know already have soulmates. So maybe you'll meet this special person this weekend.

Knock Knock

"Enter," You looked up from your homework to see your parents. You immediately sat up straight. Your parents rarely ever enter your room. They understand that you like your privacy and have always respected your space. The only ones that typically step into your room beside you and your friends are the servants - mainly Florence since she has been your caretaker ever since you were little. "Is there something you need?"

They avoided your gaze. You could just sense the awkwardness. It was sad to think how normal this is for you. Your conversations with your parents were always about business and social appearance rather than anything private. Your father looked at your mother, raising his eyebrows and nodding his head for her to say something. She sighed and smoothed her hands over her blouse and cleared her throat.

"Before you say anything, please know that I was not the one who egged Mrs. Dunbar's car last week," You spoke first. Your parents sighed. The awkward aura quickly vanished.

"You know we can't fully believe you on that right now, but we'll get back to that issue later." Your father scratched the back of his ear, a look of disbelief in his eyes. You shrugged. Worth a shot.

"We're here to talk about that girl you've been constantly having over," said your mother.

"Marinette?" You perked up. "What about her?"

Your parents glanced at each other again. Your mother went over to sit at the edge of your bed. "Well, we just came back from lunch with the Bourgeois, and Audrey was telling us about how she's helping Nathalie with the guest list and she so happened to see that Adrien had insisted on inviting a certain group from -"

"I'm going to stop you right there," You held up your palm. "Yes, my friends and I are inviting 'commoners' to this grand fancy social event. They're our new friends and I'm not going to allow anyone speaking ill of them - especially Marinette."

Your father cleared his throat. "And this Marinette... she's your girlfriend, right?"

So that's the true reason for this conversation. Of course, that's what they really wanted to know. You smiled up at him. "Yes, she is."

Large grins appeared on your parents' lips but that was short-lived with your next statement.

"But she isn't my soulmate."

"What do you mean she isn't your soulmate?" Your mother stood back up.

"I mean she isn't the one that makes my tattoo glow." You wriggled your wrist for emphasis.

"But we thought you were in love?" asked your father.

"I am. Just not with my soulmate."

Your mother let out a scoff and shook her head. She turned away, placing her hands on her hips. You can hear the sound of her foot tapping the floor. She turned back to you. "Is this another scheme of yours, (y/n)? Are you protesting soulmates or something?"

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