Chapter 43

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I'm BACK!!! Sorry it took a while to update. The surprise I mentioned in the last chapter was ^this art of Ruben, Luka, and Owen by my friend @/cylust on twitter & insta


"So you're friends now?"

All of you sat around the bleachers before school officially started. After your conversation with Luka, you had gone home to reflect some more and left your friends with only a brief mention that everything was fine now. They had to suffer through the rest of the weekend with their curiosities.

"Just like that?" Ruben turned to look at you, chewing on some snacks he brought.

"Yup. Just like that."

"So the murder plan is off?" Calixte didn't look up from his Switch screen. You and Lucien were watching him play the new Zelda game.

"What murder plan?" You raised a brow. Both Calixte and Lucien shared a quick look before flicking their gazes at Manu, who was sitting on the bleacher row below them painting Owen's nails a glimmering black while Cecil quizzed him for his chemistry test later. The pink-haired boy paused once he felt you staring at him.

"What?" He shrugged. "He was dying anyway."

"MANU!" You yelled his name more out of shock while your friends broke out into different reactions. Adrien, Kagami, Cecil, and Lucien gasped while Grace, Felix, and Calixte broke out laughing. Owen tried to suppress his own reaction but in the end, a large grin broke through his lips. The rest eventually joined in.

"Hey! I wasn't confirming or denying anything. I was just stating facts."

"We know, babe." Ruben winked at him, a proud smirk plastered on his expression. Manu blew him a kiss and continued painting Owen's nails. You breathed out an amused sigh and shook your head.

"I'm friends with criminals."

"As if you're one to talk." Felix rolled his eyes and gestured at Adrien with his thumb. "And are you counting Mr. Innocent Eyes over here?"

Adrien hummed in thought. "Does the vandalism at the skatepark count?"

"That's not vandalism. It's art," Lucien corrected. "So no."

"Then yeah. My record is squeaky clean." Adrien grinned.

"Lucky bastard. This is the seventh detention I got this semester." Calixte sighed.

"Still not as much as you had last year." Lucien slung an arm over Calixte's shoulder. "And don't worry. We'll sneak you out."

The bell rang and all of you made your way back into the school building. Owen blew on his nails as he walked beside you. The others walked slightly ahead having their own conversations.

"So did you find out?" He took a second to admire his nails. Manu had done some nail art with white polish. "About, you know, the whole soulmate thing?"

"No. It wasn't brought up." You waved 'later' at your friends who were walking off in the opposite directions now.

"Seriously? You spent that whole time talking to your former soulmate and neither of you bothered to bring up the subject?"

A good honest question to have, but to be fair, both you and Luka decided to restart. So yeah. The topic of soulmates was put on the back burner for now. It'll come back up one day. Possibly. Most likely.

"Like I said, no." You shook your head. "It's too much of a fresh wound to talk about anyway."

Owen watched the way your brows furrowed and decided to let that matter drop. He should just be happy that you and Luka are talking again. But there's still the second matter to talk about.

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