Chapter 51

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No matter how long you've been going to premieres and other social events that require dozens of photographers, you find the blinding bright flashes of lights from the cameras annoying. The fake smiles and pleasantries were all well practiced and perfected from the moment your parents decided it was time for you to join them in galas. The only thing that made dealing with all this worthwhile was your fellow troublemaking friends.

"How much do you want to bet that Kagami is going to find her soulmate tonight?" was the first thing Calixte said to you once you, Zoe, and Owen joined him inside the venue. "Don't look at me like I'm insane. You, Felix, and Adrien all have soulmates who are somehow connected to Marinette and her group of friends. Hey, Zoe! How's the exile going? You haven't forgotten us have you?"

"You know it's impossible to forget you, Cal." Zoe giggled as Calixte bear-hugged her.

"And that's a dumb bet," you chimed when he put her down. "We already met everyone in Marinette's group."

"Not everyone." Owen nodded his head toward the upper seatings across from them.

Marinette's friends had arrived as well and were all getting situated. Marinette was there as well, introducing her friends to a girl with dark hair and a black leather jacket, but while everyone was focused on the new girl, Luka was scanning the room. You were about to lift your hand to wave his attention over when his gaze found you amidst a growing crowd. The way you visibly watched as his expression lit up - going from lost and confused to relaxed and excited, a wide smile spreading on his lips - made your heart skip. You smiled back at him.

"That girl is Kagami's soulmate." Calixte turned back to you, smirking. "I'm calling it now."

You shook your head, amused. The four of you continued to look around to see who else was around that your families knew and/or planned to build connections with. Some of them came over to strike up a conversation with sweet words covering their true intentions. You caught sight of Sabrina sitting on the right side of the runway with Chloe's parents. Grace and Lucien's mom was on the other side of Mrs. Bourgeois, and it was clear that the two were having a "pleasant" conversation.

"What idiot decided to put those two next to each other?" Owen shook his head. "Ms. Allard is gonna eat her alive."

Zoe groaned. "Mom is going to be in a bad mood all night now."

"That means she'll be leaving early so she won't even notice you leaving with us."

Eventually, the light music that played in the background stopped and the announcement that the show was about to begin was made. You glanced up one last time as the lights dimmed. Luka turned his head at the same time as you, your gazes locked on each other, and your breathing paused. For that brief moment, everyone in the room disappeared and it was just the two of you. You thought about that time dancing with him in your living room. The two of you stood so close to each other that this distance between you right now felt cold. Reality came back in the sound of Alec Cataldi's voice and you were facing the stage once more.

Before the models walked out, Alec introduced the judges sitting at the very end of the runway and there was a moment of silence after playing a tribute video for Emelie Agreste. Then with a smooth transition, Alec announced the list of designer contestants as the screen behind him displayed a picture of each person he spoke about. Videos of quick interviews with the contestants backstage were also displayed and you smiled upon seeing Grace in the background of one. After the videos, the fashion show officially began.

The show was nothing but spectacular. The personalities of each designer contestant were displayed in the outfits that were modeled. The casual outfits were first, meaning Lucien was first in the lineup for the youth category. He was followed by Cecil, Felix, and Kagami.

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