Chapter 20

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The sound of Luka's guitar faded into the air. He opened his eyes and stared at his friends. He had taken the chance to play them the song you and he had been writing while their art teacher was out getting more supplies. There have been some improvements and he needed to check in with his bandmates for their opinions.

"So, how'd you like it?"

Rose looked over at Juleka, Mylene, and Ivan. She placed a hand to her chin and hummed. Luka was expecting her to say that she didn't like it, but that quickly changed when she grinned at him.

"Like it? We love it!" She jumped, turning to her bandmates. "Right, guys?"

They nodded in agreement. Luka relaxed and placed his guitar down beside him. His bandmates were jumping ideas off each other that he had to pull out his notepad so he could remember to tell you later. Meanwhile, the rest of his friends were throwing compliments to him and you.

"I can't wait to hear the final version." Alix hopped down from the table she was sitting on.

"When are you going to perform it live?" Marc asked.

"Since we're almost done with the song, I'd say in a couple of weeks." Luka checked the date on his phone and estimated how much work the two of you still need to finish.

"I think it would be sooner than that with how much you and (y/n) talk to each other." Rose smiled. "Every time I'm over, I could hear you guys on call so late at night - and sometimes you aren't even working on the song! You're just chatting about the most random stuff, right Juleka?"

Juleka nodded her head, confirming her girlfriend's words. She didn't find her brother calling or texting you often odd, especially since Luka is just a friendly person. It's hard for him to not make friends with someone. He would have to dislike a person's vibe so much for that to be the case. But it felt a bit different with you. She noticed how her brother seemed more in tune with himself.

"If that's the case, then I bet you guys would be finished by the end of this weekend," Nathaniel smirked. "What kind of person is (y/n) like if you're talking to her every day?"

"Other than musically talented, she's chill." Luka shrugged. "She's not a rich snob but down to earth, not afraid to show her tough side, funny without even trying, full of sass and wit remarks, and smooth with words. She's also intuitive, which is nice 'cause sometimes when I don't feel like doing anything, she'll put her phone out on her balcony and tell me to just listen to the sounds of the town with her. We don't talk much on those days but it still feels like we just had the most profound conversation. When you talk to her, it's so easy to forget about any struggle you have."

Alix raised an eyebrow and glanced over at the group. They were all sharing knowing looks at each other. Luka didn't understand what silent conversation they were having.


"Nothing." Alix tried to hide a growing smile. She crossed her arms over her chest. "It's just - and this might be farfetched but, it sounds like she's your soulmate or something."

Luka choked on his breath (which he needed to stop immediately because his chest hurts and he's scared of coughing out a flower). He wasn't expecting that answer. It made him laugh a bit. "That's ridiculous."

"Is it? I mean, the way you spoke about her just now was so sweet. I've only ever heard soulmates sound like that." Mylene grabbed Ivan's hand, resting her head on his side. The taller boy smiled down at her.

"I don't know," Marc sounded skeptical. "It just sounds to me that they have a lot in common."

"Marc, babe, no offense but you're really bad at picking up things like this." Nathaniel patted his boyfriend's back. Marc wanted to object, but he knew that would just be a lie. It took almost an entire year for him to realize that Nathaniel liked him for him and not for the whole soulmate tattoo reason. Nathaniel turned back to Luka. "And who knows? Maybe you guys are soulmates but just don't know it 'cause you've never met in person."

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