Chapter 6

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After leaving the party, your group of friends had decided to take you to a local diner for some french fries, burgers, and milkshakes. They shared words of comfort and assurance after you told them more details about your grandmother's condition. They also informed you about what happened while you were gone. You had fangirled over the fact that they had given your number to the lead singer of Kitty Section. They're currently telling you their thoughts on Felix's soulmate.

"She seems like a sweet girl, but I find her iffy since she's friends with Chloe" Grace took a french fry from Cecil.

"I heard she's Chloe's best friend" You remembered what Marinette had told you. "Their classmates don't particularly like them, which isn't a surprise since it is Chloe"

"Well, she can't be all that bad if Felix is her soulmate" Manu smiled, resting his head on Ruben's shoulder.

"You say that as if Felix is an angel" Calixte took a bite out of his burger.

"I am right here" Felix glared.

"And let's not forget that his tattoo is a fox," Kagami thought out loud. "My mother often told me that foxes represent cunning yet powerful creatures in Japan. She said that they're intelligent and possess good fortune"

"So Lila is smart and lucky but is also sly" Adrien then turned to Felix. "So like you"

"What? How am I cunning?" Felix raised a brow.

"Didn't you steal Adrien's mom's wedding band from his dad because he refused to give the De Vanily family heirloom back?" Ruben pointed out.

"Didn't you pretend to be Adrien for a day and tried to get everyone to hate him?" Lucien added.

"The reason why we call you 'mauvais chat' is because not only are you and Adrien identical - and it's much easier to call you that since he's the good one - but it's also because you're the schemer of the group" Owen smirked.

"Okay, okay. I get it." Felix took a french fry from Owen. "And if I'm the schemer, what does that make the rest of you?"

"Easy. You're the schemer, Adrien's the decoy, Kagami and Grace are the muscles, Manu is the evil genius, Cecil and Lucien are the clean-up, Cal's the tech guy, (y/n) dabbles in everything, Ruben's the leader - slash, dad of the group - and I'm the guy that gathers info" Owen drank his milkshake.

"How is Manu the evil genius?" Adrien glanced at Manu, who was looking back at him with an innocent gaze. He always has a kind smile on his face and loves helping everyone. It's really hard to imagine him being evil. Manu set down his drink.

"I could think of thirty ways to kill you right now, and if you give me a second I could think of a hundred more," Manu said with a nonchalant tone and a gentle smile. All of you, minus Ruben, stared at him with wide eyes.

"Isn't he the cutest?" Ruben kissed his boyfriend's cheek.

"I would just like to say that if I ever went missing, know that it was because I pissed off Manu" Felix went back to his food. All of you laugh. He was being serious.

"Moving on from the fact that Manu can literally kill us in his sleep and get away with it, let's go back to Felix and Lila" Lucien grabbed his drink and held it up for a toast. "To Felix and Lila living happily-ever-after"

"Cheers!" All of you clinked your drinks together while Felix rolled his eyes.

"C'mon Felix, you should feel happy" You smiled. "Meeting a soulmate is special so... you should cherish it"

Everyone noticed the sad look in your eyes. Your smile didn't look as joyful either. They figured that you were still upset about not meeting your soulmate yet - and Adrien gets it. Unlike Felix and Kagami, who don't really care about when they meet their soulmates, Adrien can't help but want to find his soulmate already. If it wasn't for his father and school, he would have most likely gone on a practical manhunt to find his soulmate. So seeing you upset about not finding yours makes Adrien feel like he's not alone. But he also doesn't like seeing you sad.

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