Chapter 7

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The bright camera flashes would normally blind those who aren't used to them. Luckily for Adrien, he was accustomed to this since he was a child. It was one of the many so-called "perks" of being a socialite. He didn't use to be a model, though. He just became one since he would often do little fashion shows for his parents when he was a child. It's not like he doesn't enjoy it. He actually finds it to be quite fun. His father even admitted to him once that Adrien and his mother were his muses when he designed a new outfit. So all of the outfits he modeled were made to be worn by him.

"Amazing! Great shot! You're quite the charmer as always, Adrien!" Vincent, the photographer, praised as he continued to take photos. Adrien smiled in return. He was starting to get a bit tired, but he can't let Vincent know. His eyes glanced over to the entrance door when he noticed it open. His mood lightened up as Owen and Kagami walked in. They waved at him. Vincent noticed that distracted look and turned around. He put his hand up, signaling for everyone to stop. "Five-minute break, everyone!"

Vincent walked over to Owen while Kagami walked over to Adrien. She carried two orders of Starbucks and handed one to him. A red gym bag hung on her shoulder. She must have come so that they could head over to their fencing class together. The shoot is about to end soon anyway.

"You're a lifesaver" Adrien drank his coffee.

"I'd figure you needed it" She giggled. "You look cute"

Adrien was taken aback by the comment. His cheeks flushed a light pink. She didn't seem to be as bothered by it. She was just smiling while drinking her coffee. I guess I should let it slide.

"So, how is the shoot going?" Kagami asked.

"It's going well," Adrien relaxed, his smile returning. "The photos are going to be used to advertise my father's upcoming competition"

His father holds a competition that helps sponsor a future fashion designer every year. It was actually his mother who had created the contest. She wanted Gabriel to use his company as a way to help young aspiring designers. Adrien never really took part in the competition since his parents told him he was too young. Instead, he would just sit in their living room with Nathalie and the Gorilla and watched his mother wear all of the participants' designs on the television. He was meant to participate last year alongside his mother, but then his mother passed and the competition didn't take place as his father was going through immense pain. So this is the first time he'll really be taking part. He's excited.

"Are you going to work with the winner?" Kagami's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

Adrien nodded, "Even if I don't necessarily know much about fashion, and my father is really the only reason why I'm in the industry, I find it to be fun"

"It's all good as long as you're happy," Kagami smiled. Adrien smiled back.

"That's it!" Vincent snapped a photo of them. "That's the smile - the look we're going for! I think it would be better to make this a couple shoot"

"A couple - Wait, Vincent" Adrien turned to him. "We don't want to make Kagami uncomfortable"

"It's okay," Kagami responded. Adrien looked at her, wondering if she was sure of her decision. Her cheeks tinted a light pink and she turned her gaze to the side. "I always wanted to do a photoshoot with you anyways, so... yeah"

Adrien chuckled. "Cute"

Kagami looked at him with wide eyes. Shoot. He said that out loud. She coughed and recomposed herself. Adrien looked back at Vincent. The remainder of the photoshoot wouldn't be as boring as he thought it would be.


Music blasted through your bedroom speakers. You tapped your pen to the beat of the song you were working on. You looked at the blank music sheets. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you threw the pen down on your desk and leaned back in your chair. You hate writer's block.

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