Chapter 11

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"- And then Chloe and Lila dragged us all shopping," Adrien told Kagami as their foils clashed against one another. He's currently filling her in on what happened over the weekend.

"Now I wish I was there" Kagami blocked Adrien's attack. "Or maybe not? I get the feeling that I wouldn't stand a single minute with Lila. I sense that her entire personality is a fraud from when I saw her at the party"

"Lila really isn't all that bad" Adrien tried to defend. "I feel that there's more to her, but she just doesn't want to show it."

Kagami giggled, the tip of her foil striking Adrien's chest. They lowered their weapons and lifted their helmets. "Well, we all can't all be pure-hearted like you"

Adrien shrugged in response. "It wouldn't hurt to try though"

She giggled again. They walked over to get water, talking about her trip. She tells him about the boring work her mother made her do. Although she was there to work, she was also there to meet some interesting people that her family has just become partners with. She met some artists, athletes from all sports, musicians, and most of all, she was reunited with a childhood friend.

"Of course, I still missed all of you" She took a sip from her water. "You most of all"

Adrien blushed a bit. Kagami has always been so upfront with her feelings. If she likes something, she'll say it. She doesn't hold back. He admires that about her.

"So how are the preparations for your father's contest?" She turned to him.

"It's going well" He took a deep breath. "My schedule has been busier - which sucks because I really want to check out that bakery I told you about"

Kagami rolled her eyes, smiling. "Of course that's your priority"

"Food is food. There's no shame in having a sweet tooth" Adrien chuckled.

"De Vanily! You finally showed up" The teacher's voice grabbed their attention. Felix had just walked in with Lila.

"Sorry Sir" He apologized.

"It's not his fault, Sir" Lila wrapped an arm around his. Her lips formed into a pout as she talked to the man. "It's entirely my fault for distracting him. Ms. De Vanily needed him to deal with some important business matters and then I showed up, and we lost track of time. I apologize"

"It's fine. This is the first time he's been late" The instructor turned to Felix. "Go get changed"

"Yes, sir," Felix noticed Adrien and Kagami watching him. They were both trying to hide their teasing smiles from him. He glared at them, silently telling them not to laugh or say a word. They'll talk later.

"Pfft," They laughed as soon as he was out of earshot. Felix hates being late to anything, and the fact that Lila had come to his defense with that puppy-eyed look only made matters worse. She could have just said that without sounding like she was kissing up to their teacher.

Lila noticed them sitting to the side. She smiled and waved at them. Their laughter subsided when she did. Adrien waved back while Kagami's smile turned into a frown. Lila dropped her hand to her side. Kagami really was the ice-queen that Chloe described her to be.

"Hm. It looks like (y/n) won't be showing up at all today" The instructor sighed after checking his watch.

Lila gripped the strap of her bag at the mention of your name. After her hang out with Felix and his friends, he had lectured her about her behavior. He asked her to drop the act and start behaving true to herself. She felt her heart tug at the sound of his soft voice. One part of her wanted to do just that, but she worked so hard to get where she is. She won't let people see the poor girl that had to pull many strings to get all of the nice things she obtained over the years. But she promised him that she would at least try. So she researched more about you.

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