Prologue: A Plan by the Souls

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"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other" - Paulo Coelho

Soulmates. People who are destined to meet and fall in love. A tattoo that symbolizes one's soulmate is formed on the skin the moment someone is born. When two soulmates meet or are at least ten meters from each other, the tattoo would glow to let both individuals know that the person they are to fall in love with is near. The brighter the glow, the closer in proximity you are to your soulmate.

But here's the catch.

If one's soulmate falls in love with another, that person will develop what is known as the hanahaki disease. Flowers will grow within their lungs until the love is reciprocated back to the destined individuals or until that person dies. That is the way this world works. Terrifying, isn't it?

Although it is rare for people to not love their soulmate, the fear of that happening still wanders in the back of their minds. What if my soulmate is dating another? What if they fall in love with that person? What if they don't like the idea of being tied to one's soulmate? What if they are disappointed that I'm their soulmate? And the worst question of all... 

What if I never meet my soulmate?

People often fear that question more than their soulmate loving another. This word is so focused on wanting to find the person who fate tied oneself to so much that people don't like to think of the consequences of having their soulmate taken from them. Even if it is rare (meaning that there have been enough cases for it to be known), people still believe that their soulmate will love them. It's quite stupid.

If you ask me, I would hate seeing the person I'm destined to be with loving another person. Just thinking about how I would suffocate from the pain in my chest terrifies me. Thankfully, I already found my soulmate. He's a bit weird and smells like old cheese. Though we joke that he loves his cheese more than me, we know that our love was written to be since the beginning of time. But this story isn't about how my soulmate and I met. No, it's about four souls who have yet to realize their love for another.

A girl who is scared of meeting her soulmate. A boy who hates the fact that he is forced to love a person. Another girl who lets her insecurities keep her from meeting her destined one. Another boy who thinks he would never meet his true love.

Fate's a dangerous thing. She tortures us yet blesses us all at the same time. If only these four souls knew that before deciding to do the one thing that everyone else fears to do. 

Purposely falling in love with someone who isn't your soulmate.

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