Chapter 52

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WARNING: The chapter gets a little violent, but isn't very explicit. If you are extremely sensitive to these topics, please skip the large bold section within the middle of the chapter.

It was a sound that was so familiar and yet so foreign that Syl involuntarily shuddered. A little whimper came from one of the armchairs where she knew Evie was sitting.

"What was that?" came the girl's frantic voice. It was quiet, as if in the hope that the thing outside wouldn't hear her.

The word slipped out of Syl's mouth before she could think. "A mutt." As soon as she said it, however, she realized she didn't know what she had meant. Before she could contemplate the odd phenomenon any further, however, the house shuddered again, although this time it was accompanied by a deafening crack.

There was a yelp. Syl turned her wand tip in the direction of the noise and saw a disgruntled Maddie. Tears were tumbling down her cheeks and her shoulders were shaking. Mal had her arm around the little girl in an attempt to comfort her, but Maddie's fear had been temporarily replaced by confusion. "Something's dripping on me!" she whimpered, patting the top of her head.

Syl didn't have to guess to know that the creature had somehow created a crack in the roof large enough to let some of the torrents of rain into the dry interior.

"What do we do?" Jay asked. Despite the situation, his voice was calm, and Syl was reminded that, as a member of the Tourney team, he was used to acting in stress-inducing situations.

"I'll go out and try to neutralize it," Merlin said calmly. He attempted to stand, using the back of the armchair to steady himself. Before he made it to his feet, however, he collapsed back down with a thump.

Syl jumped to her feet in an attempt to help the man when a flash of lightning briefly illuminated the shadowy room. The accompanying thunder came less than a second later, the deafening noise startling everyone.

Disoriented from both the blinding light and the loud noise, Syl didn't notice that her body had moved until she was unbolting the door and trying to pull it open. Faintly she could hear someone yelling her name, but she didn't notice. Tugging on the door with all of her strength, it slid open, causing a torrent of water to spray at Syl, stinging her eyes. Wincing, the girl slipped through the opening and shut the door behind her.

The first thing that Syl noticed was that it was dark. The second was the sounds of snuffling and growling that were almost covered by the sound of raindrops splattering off of the trees and the house Syl had just exited.

Resolved, Syl tapped the door with her wand. There was a ripple of power and out of the corner of her eye, she saw a small liquid-like green material spread over the door and the rest of the house. Hoping that her protection spell would protect the others while preventing them from leaving the house, Syl turned toward the location where she thought the creature was.

Raising her wand high, she flicked it. A large orb rose into the air, the green light it emitted shimmering off of the water falling around it as it illuminated the area around Syl. When the girl was finally able to see what was attacking the house, her eyes widened and a pain that seemed to originate from the back of her skull flared up.

A whimper escaped her lips, but as she stared at the things before her, she was able to ignore the dull throbbing in her head.

At that moment, Syl realized she had greatly miscalculated. There was not one creature that was attacking her and her friends, but many. Almost a half a dozen malformed creatures were lurking before her, snarling but not attacking. As if they were waiting.

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