Chapter 4

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After breakfast, which for the villain kids included going back for seconds, Sylphrenia lead the way to Remedial Goodness 101. It was held in one of the classrooms located in the library. The room was fairly large, with two person tables arranged to cover the most space and looking up to a blackboard that was positioned in front of a large glass window.

When Sylphrenia and the others came in, Fairy Godmother was standing in front of a blackboard that said: WELCOME TO REMEDIAL GOODNESS!. Sylphrenia immediately headed to the back of the room, while the villain kids took seats in the middle.

"Okay everyone, come up to the front," Fairy Godmother said, beckoning with her hands. "Come up. We're all friends here."

Sylphrenia scowled, as the Fairy Godmother was looking at her. She grabbed her bag, standing up, and headed to the seat behind Evie. As soon as Syl sat down, Fairy Godmother began the lesson. Once again, it was incredibly boring, but Sylphrenia tried to participate as much as possible. She could tell that Fairy Godmother was getting impatient, however, as the lesson moved on. Mal was drawing, Evie was looking into her mirror, and both boys were staring at the Fairy Godmother with blank expressions. Mal was the only other one who answered a question correctly besides Sylphrenia, and she only did it when she was called on.

"If someone hands you a crying baby," said Fairy Godmother, in an insincerely sweet voice, staring hard at the villain kids who ignored her, "do you: A. curse I, B. Lock it in a tower, C. Give it a bottle, or D. Carve out its heart?"

Evie raised her hand.

"Evie!" Fairy Godmother said, smiling happily.

"What was the second one?" Evie asked. The Fairy Godmother's face dropped, and she turned away from Evie.

"Oh, okay..." said Fairy Godmother. "Anyone else?"

Sylphrenia raised her hand. "How about you let someone else answer, dear," Fairy Godmother said, giving her a tight smile. She hesitated for a second before calling out, "Mal?"

Mal looked up from her drawings. "C. Give it a bottle," she said, twisting a strand of hair in her hand.

"Correct," said Fairy Godmother with a smile. "Again."

Jay sighed in exasperation and turned to look at Mal.

"You are on fire, girl!" Carlos exclaimed.

"Yeah!" said Evie.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun," said Mal, as if it were obvious. This seemed to make sense to the other villain kids, because they all cried out noises of understanding.

"That makes so much sense," Evie whispered excitedly. Mal nodded and turned back to her drawing just as Jane entered the room. She walked down the aisle, squealed when she passed the villain kids, and ran up to her mother.

"Hello dear one," said Fairy Godmother, smiling widely and bending down to look at her daughter.

"Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation," Jane said, still casting frightened looks at the villain kids.

Mal stopped sketching and looked up to stare at Jane. She bumped Evie's arm to get her attention and they both stared at the wide-eyed girl. Sylphrenia stared at the pair, knowing that they were scheming another way to get the wand, but this time, through Jane.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane," Fairy Godmother said as she signed the paper on the clipboard. Carlos stared at her and Jay gave him a smug look.

"Mom!" Jane whispered.

Fairy Godmother returned the clipboard. "That's okay," she said, "Jane, this is everyone." She shoved her petrified daughter toward the villain kids.

Jane gave a feeble wave, clutching the clipboard tightly. "Hi. That's okay. Don't mind me. Oh! Before I forget, Sylphrenia, here's your clearance papers." She came up, squealing as she passed the villain kids again, thrust the stack of papers onto Syl's desk and quickly scurried out.

Mal smirked to herself, and looked over at Sylphrenia's desk wanting to see what the "clearance papers" were about, but Syl had already thrust them into her bag.

Syl was glad that Mal had not seen the papers. The council of fey was wary of Sylphrenia, due to her uncommonly strong powers and how part of her childhood had been spent in Avalon; a childhood that she could barely remember. Her clearence papers assured that she would behave during the coronation, including the fact that she would not kill or maim anyone, and that she would not destroy anything while she was there, as some of the most important people of Auradon would be attending. Sylphrenia had always found it tedious and unnecessary, but the council forced her to sign, so she did.

"Forgive Jane," said Fairy Godmother. "I may have told her a few too many bedtime stories about your... parents." She cleared her throat. "Let's continue. You find a vial of potion. Do you: A. Put it in the king's wine, B. Paint it on an apple, or C. Turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Everyone except Mal and Syl raised their hands excitedly. Jay looked at Carlos and grabbed his hand, pulling it down. Carlos tried to tug his hand out of Jay's but the boy had a strong grip on his friend.

"Jay," said Fairy Godmother, pointing to him.

"C. You turn it over to the proper authorities," said Jay smugly, pushing a struggling Carlos away.

"I was gonna say that!" Carlos protested, hitting Jay's arm.

Jay laughed mockingly. "But I said it first!" he said. Jay jumped up, grabbing Carlos's head in a headlock and pulled him down on top of the table. "Who said it first? Who said it first?" Carlos attempted to slip out of Jay's arms as he rubbed his fist into Carlos's hair.

Sylphrenia let out a small laugh, and quickly covered her hand with her mouth, hiding her smile. The girls in front of her acted as if it was a completely normal ocurrence. Evie checked her lipstick, and Mal gave the Fairy Godmother an apologetic smile.

"Boys," said Fairy Godmother, rapping her stick on the podium. "Boys!" she said louder, rapping her stick again.

They froze, Jay on top of Carlos, but both of them looking at the teacher.

"I am going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field," she said, gesturing out the window.

"Oh, no, that's okay. Whatever that is, we'll pass," said Carlos frantically, and both of them scrambled back to their seats. Sylphrenia couldn't help herself, and let out a bark of laughter, which she immediately covered up with her hand, blushing furiously. Everyone turned to look at her.

"Sorry," Syl managed to make out, trying to contain her laughter. Jay was grinning at her, and the others were looking at her, confused.

"Dear, are you all right?" asked the Fairy Godmother, concerned.

Sylphrenia's face was flushed, and she was feeling peculiar. It was something that she had never felt before and did not particularly like. Her stomach felt fluttery, her face hot. She had laughed out loud for the first time in who knew how long. "May I be excused?" she asked, already halfway out of her seat, shoving her books and papers back into her bag.

"Yes, of course," Fairy Godmother said, but Sylphrenia had already fled from the classroom, into the library, and out into a deserted hallway.

As soon as she was alone, Sylphrenia stopped, leaning up against the wall, breathing heavily. She didn't know what made her react that way, but for one of the first time in her life, Sylphrenia was afraid. Something was wrong with her. What was she feeling? What was making her feel this way?

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