Chapter 54

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Warning: self-harm, minor character death

On the ground, Salophena let out a groan. "Is she done?" Her eyes fluttered lazily open, her eyes piercing as they flicked from person to person.

Hades looked at Nimueh. "Are you done?"

"I think she's done," Syl commented.

Salophena sprung up, landing lightly on her feet. Dead leaves caught on the fabric of her skirt, giving her a childish appearance that clashed with the dangerous aura surrounding her. "So..." she purred, matching Nimueh's tone. "You want to get your revenge. You want power." She grinned and slung one arm around Hades and the other around Syl. There was a lazy confidence in the way she moved, her lithe limbs twisting skillfully.

All attention on Nimeh evaporated, both Hades and Sylphrenia turning toward Salophena.

Hades acted first. Cupping the woman's face in his hands, he looked deep into her eyes. "How are you feeling?" he asked cautiously.

Syl copied his actions, taking Salophena's face from Hades and cupping it in her own hands. "What happened? Have you been taking care of yourself?"

Salophena scoffed, tugging her face out of Syl's hands. "I should be asking you two the same question. I heard you," she tugged on Syl's hair, "got a boyfriend. And I heard you," she tugged on the hair at the bottom of Hades's mohawk, "have a kid!"

"His name is Jay," Hades offered.

"Her name is Mal," Syl responded.

"He's the son of Jafar."

"You hooked up with Maleficent."

"Stop acting like children," Salophena scolded.
"I'm still a kid! Why are you scolding me?" Sylphrenia protested slyly. "He's the adult!"

Salophena turned to Hades. "Sol, stop acting like a child."
"But she's eighteen! In Auradon, that means she's an adult."

Before Salophena could respond, Syl gave Hades a small smile. "But I'm cute," she said in the cutesy-est voice she could muster.

Hades snorted. "No, you're not."

"You're just mad because you're old." Syl faked a gasp and looked up at Hades's head. "Is that some gray hair I see?"

Hades swiped at the cackling Syl with his hand, but Salophena stopped him with a look. "Don't hit your sister," she scolded.

"But she's bothering me!" Hades complained.

"Then stop letting it annoy you!" Salophena growled.

A scream of pure rage came from in front of them. All three looked up to see Nimueh glowering at them, her eyes glowing a sickly yellow color. "You're all as flippant as the day I met you! You're selfish and greedy and so-" She let out another scream.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Salophena asked with a lazy tone. She yawned dramatically, a smirk touching the corners of her lips.

Nimueh's angry face turned into a triumphant grin. "This." Raising her hands high into the air, she yanked like there were invisible cords hanging down from the sky.

There was a scream from behind Sylphrenia and she flinched, heart gripped in a sudden fear. Nimueh had noticed her friends after all.

"Mal?" came Solomon's voice.

Turning, Syl saw Jay, Mal, Carlos, Evie, and Ben looking frightened as, clumped into a tight group, they walked into the clearing. From the shadows behind them came the huffing and grunting of a pack of large animals. Syl could tell what they were from the rotting stench that had suddenly filled the woods: mutts.

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