Chapter 14

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Ben's coronation was turning out to be a grand event like no other.

The cloudless blue sky smiled down upon Sylphrenia as Carlos escorted her up the steps of the cathedral.

They entered the beautiful hall that was crowded with elegantly dressed people and were guided to the balcony seats by an attendant.

Syl sat down between Carlos and Jay. They watched Mal be lead by another attendant to her seat in the front row.

A knot formed it the pit of her stomach. It was starting. What if something went wrong, if she didn't know her friends as well as she thought she did? What if her friendship with them obstructed her ability to stop them?

Attendants opened the large doors, and Ben walked into the cathedral, looking regal. He strode down the aisle, a choir singing and people bowing as he passed by them. As he passed by Mal, he gave her a sweet smile that she returned, but Syl noticed that as soon as he had passed, Mal's smile faded.

Ben approached the stage where Fairy Godmother, his parents, and the wand was waiting for him. Sylphrenia could feel the old power radiating from it. She sensed it could... feel her almost. She shifted in her seat, unnerved.

Ben kneeled, and Fairy Godmother took the crown from King Adam's head and placed it on Ben's. Syl's stomach lurched as Beast lifted the bell jar containing the wand.

Syl was starting to doubt herself. She should have told someone, to have backup or something! For all of her power, she didn't know if she could do what needed to be done if the need arrived.

Belle handed the wand to the Fairy Godmother.

Syl saw Mal nod in their direction, signaling her friends. The choir stopped singing as Fairy Godmother held the wand out toward Ben. This was the moment.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon..." said the Fairy Godmother, oblivious to the plans being set in motion around her. "...with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"

"I do solemnly swear," said Ben.

Syl was at the edge of her seat. At any moment the wand would be taken from the Fairy Godmother's grips

The Fairy Godmother lifted her wand. "Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king-"

It happened. The wand was snatched out of the woman's grasp, but not by Mal. By Jane.

The wand shook violently and shot off a wild display of sparks as Jane held it away from her body, trying to control it. Sylphrenia knew it was overloading. As the Fairy Godmother had been in the middle of casting a spell, the united magic was being drawn into the core of the wand and had not been released.

It bucked and sent a fierce bolt of lightening that cracked through one of the cathedral's stained glass windows. The bolt sizzled through the air, out of sight, but Syl could feel it crash into something. Something powerful.

Fairy Godmother was wide eyed. "Child, what are you doing?"

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" Jane yelled, struggling to control the wand.

Everyone screamed as the wand swung left and right, emitting magic.

"Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!" Jane chanted.

"Take cover!" Beast yelled to the crowd.

Beast shielded Belle and Ben held an arm out in front of Mal, half covering her, but she slipped out of his grasp. Time seemed to slow down as she ran up to Jane and pried the wand from her hands. Sylphrenia felt Jay, Carlos and Evie getting up. Evie exited the row last, and Syl grabbed her wrist. "Do what feels right," Sylphrenia said, before releasing her hand. Evie looked stricken as she turned back, hurrying down the steps.

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