Chapter 3

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Sylphrenia was sleeping  in her room when the dream came. Mal and Evie had left after unpacking, and hadn't returned, so Syl had gone to bed, uninterested in their business.

The dream was unusual in itself, because Sylphrenia almost never dreamed. If she did have a dream, they were disjointed and confusing. Scraps of memories that never made sense. This dream was different. It felt real.

She was standing by in the hall where Ben's coronation would be. It was decorated in the classic blue and yellow colors of Auradon, with all of the benches and chairs set up. Syl could smell the scent of the flowers hanging on the balcony and shivered. It was almost like she was here in real life.

As she turned around, surveying the room, the dress that she was wearing swirled around her legs. It was heavy and a dark blue, looking nothing like she owned. Sylphrenia just stared at it. This dream was unnatural. Only one thing could explain it: magic.

Sylphrenia once again looked around the room, tying to take in every detail to find out what the dream was trying to tell her. The hall looked exactly as it should, but the only different thing was that every seat was empty, except for a throne in the middle of the room.

She froze, staring up at the glowing figure sitting upon the throne, looking regal. It seemed not to see her, but she could feel no malicious intent from it.

"Hello?" Sylprenia called out to the figure, taking a chance and making herself known.

There was no answer, and once again it seemed to not see, but suddenly she couldn't move. Sylphrenia tried to struggle, but it was no use. She had never felt like this before, and it was claustrophobic, making her feel trapped. Panic rose up in her, but she tried to remain calm. Her gaze strayed back to the figure, and what she saw would have made her gasp if she hadn't been frozen.

Dark tendrils of magic started to creep out from around the throne, twisting and writhing. Sylphrenia struggled even more, trying to move, but the darkness didn't reach for her, and instead entwined themselves in the glowing figure. Syl saw it jolt they touched it, before slumping down, dimming and becoming tainted with gray. The edges of the room became dark, and the room became cold, trailing up Sylphrenia's bare arms and sinking through her dress. The darkness slowly spread, making the once bright hall gloomy. Sylphrenia tried to look at her, but she couldn't move her neck, only being able to stare at the figure.

Sylphrenia felt her magic well up inside her and pushed it out, trying to free herself, but her magic seemed blocked. She pushed again, but the barrier staid firm. The darkness slowly crept toward her, making her frantic and started pushing her magic harder, trying to let it break free. Sylphrenia knew it was merely a dream, but it seemed so real.

Suddenly, purple magic billowed out from behind her, causing Sylphrenia to freeze, but this magic felt different the dark forboding tendrils that were sinking deeper into the glowing figure. Where the purple smoke touched her, Sylphrenia felt warm and fuzzy, and everything smelled like chocolate chips. Sylphrenia wiggled her fingers, and found that she could move again, but as she realized this, the purple magic enveloped her, and she could no longer see.

Sylphrenia jumped, and tried to move, following the row to get to the figure on the throne, but bumped a chair and fell, landing on her knees and feeling her dress flow out onto the ground behind her. Pain shot through her knees, and she scowled, looking up and getting ready to push herself up, but as she did so, the purple magic started to recede, and Sylphrenia could see again.

The darkness had disappeared, taking Sylphrenia's nervousness with it. In the center, on top of the throne was the glowing figure, now with glowing veins of purple running through it. Sylphrenia narrowed her eyes, everything coming together.

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