Chapter 2

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Ben smiled and approached the kids from the Isle. "It is so, so, so good to finally meet you all." he said.

He tried to shake the son of Jafar's hand, but instead he received a playful punch. Ben winced in pain, and quickly moved on.

He reached Purple, and when he shook her hand, they stared into each other's eyes for a long time. Syl shifted uncomfortably. She wanted to break the silence, but there was no reason to. She took the chance.

"What are your names? Benjamin did not tell me," she asked. Ben and Purple jumped, and quickly let go of each other's hands.

"As you definitely want to know, I'm Jay," said Jafar's son, flashing her another grin, and she turned away from him, causing him to frown.

"Carlos," said Cruella's son.

"Evie," said the Evil Queen's daughter. "And I just want to say that I love your dress."

Syl gave a half smile. She wasn't really into fashion. Everything she owned was her mother's. "Thanks."

"And I'm Mal," said Purple.

"This is a momentous occasion," said Ben, taking over, as he shook Carlos and Evie's hands, "and one I hope will go down in history as the day our two peoples began to heal." Audrey grabbed Ben away from Evie when she held his hand a little too long. Syl rolled her eyes. Three girls pining for one guy. Pathetic.

Mal imitated Ben's tone, "Or the day that you showed four peoples where the bathrooms are." The Isle kids laughed, and Syl cracked a smile.

Ben grinned, " A little bit over the top?"

"More than a little bit," said Mal.

"Well, so much for my first impression," laughed Ben. Mal laughed as well, and looked away. Syl almost groaned. All she wanted to do was leave, and they were flirting. No matter how funny it was seeing Audrey get mad, Sylphrenia could be doing better things than standing around outside.

Jealousy radiated off of Audrey in waves, and she glared at Mal through her smile. "Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? I totally don't blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping-"

"Beauty. Yeah, I've heard the name," said Mal, cutting her off, "You know, and I totally don't blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the world except for my mother to their stupid christening."

Audrey gave her a fake smile as Syl laughed at Mal's reply. "Water under the bridge!" Audrey said.

"Totes!" said Mal, putting on an even bigger fake smile.

Both girls fake laughed, and let it fizzle out in unison. Sylphrenia sighed and cast a longing look at the castle before looking back at the new kids. She noticed that Jafar's son- Jay was looking at her, and she purposefully stared at the others, ignoring him.

Ben clapped his hands, trying to divert the subject. "Okay! So how about a tour?"

He happily lead his way around the grounds as he gave then facts about the school and its history. Syl ignored him and Jay, who was stealing shameless glances at her. One time, he caught her eye and grinned. She just raised her eyebrow. Even though she was ignoring him, she would steal a few glances at him when he wasn't looking, merely for educational purposes.

As they circled around the school, they passed over a bridge crossing a large . Syl looked out at the water, trailing her fingers on the railing, and froze. She saw the Isle kids, but not their reflections. They were all dressed up, and Mal... was holding Fairy Godmother's wand? She seemed to be debating about something. Syl was confused. Everything that she had heard about the Isle of the Lost was that it was dirty and broken. This was... this was the the city hall. The vision moved, and something else became clear. It was... it was her. Wearing a dress. The mirror Sylphrenia looked up at her before raising a finger to her lips and smiling.

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