Chapter 28

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In the hideout, Jay waited for Mal to come back.

Sprawled on the couch, he tried to look like nothing was wrong, but he was worried. Syl had been captured by Uma and her gang, one of their biggest rivals when they had been on the Isle. Jay couldn't help the worried thoughts running through his head, how she must be scared, and how at this moment, she was facing Uma and Harry Hook. The thought made him sick.

The clang of the gate made him jolt up slightly on the couch. He could hear someone clomping up the stairs, and Mal entered the room, looking upset.

"What happened?" Evie asked from where she was standing next to Carlos, who was seated at a desk.

Mal relayed the news of how she had faced Uma and how she had lost. She had hesitated for a moment before revealing that to free Ben and Syl they needed to give Uma the Fairy Godmother's wand.

Jay was shocked. There was no way they could give the wand to Uma, but they needed to get Syl and Ben back.

"Ugh! there's no way we're going to give Uma the wand," said Evie, reflecting Jay's thoughts perfectly. "Are you kidding, like we're just going to let her destroy Auradon?" She threw her hands up.

"We don't give Uma the wand and we'll never get Syl back. And Ben," Jay pointed out.

"Yeah, what other option do we have?" asked Carlos.

"So we just give Fairy Godmother's wand to Uma, of all people-" started Evie.

Mal held out her hands. "You guys!" she said. They quieted down and gave her their attention. Mal gestured to Carlos. "Your 3-D printer. Is there any way that you could-"

"A phony wand," said Carlos with a snap of his fingers, and Jay felt a jolt of hope. "In my sleep!"

"The second Uma tests it, she'll know it's fake," Evie rebutted.

"Okay," said Mal. "So then we just get Ben and Syl out really fast. We need some kind of diversion!"

"Smoke bombs!" Jay shouted excitedly. Mal pointed at him and nodded.

"Perfect!" said Evie, walking over to Mal. "I can get the chemicals I need at Lady Tremaine's place." She topped in front of Mal. "Oh, and sick hair, by the way," she said, lightly touching it. "Wicked stepmom's seriously stepped up her game!"

"Do you want to know something? Dizzy did this!" said Mal.

Evie smiled. "Little Dizzy? Shut up!"

Carlos rested his face in his hand while Jay, who was annoyed at the delay, walked over to join him.

"I know, and I'm, like, seriously loving it!" Mal ran her fingers through her hair.

"I'm, like, really proud of her!" Evie said.

"Right?" said Mal.

Jay nudged Carlos and cleared his throat.

"Uhhh, helloooo!" Carlos called out.

Mal and Evie turned toward him and Jay.

"Right," Evie said quietly, realizing that they should get back on track.

Mal clapped. "Okay. Jay. Carlos. You meet us at Pirate's Cove no later than noon. And, guys, losing... Hey!" Mal snapped her fingers to get their full attention. "It's not an option." She looked gravely from Evie to Jay to Carlos. "Because we're rotten..."

"To the core," the friends said in unison.


The door creaked open after Syl had knocked on the door. Swinging open, someone stepped into the doorway. Her high cheekbones highlighted a slender pale face. Dark curled hair framed her cheeks, and was pulled back at the top. Her lips were dark and curled into a frown.

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