Chapter 45

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After Jay, his friends, and their reluctant allies had made a plan, they all headed over to Ben's castle. Jay had been conflicted as they had travelled, feeling like he should check on Syl, and the same time not wanting to abandon his friends. They were counting on him to help defeat Audrey, and when they had defeated her, everyone would be safe, including his girlfriend.

Still Jay was tense as he ran down the hall in the Beast's Family Castle, following Mal.

"Ben could be asleep anywhere," Mal said, worried.

"Or turned to stone." Celia managed to squeak out what they were all thinking before Evie clamped a hand over the young girl's mouth, silencing her.

"Ben," yelled Mal. Her unanswered shouts echoed through the chamber.

Dude sniffed around. "I've got his scent. Very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me."

"That's great, Dude," said Jay, trying to be enthusiastic.

"FYI, I give great cuddles too," the dog announced proudly.

Gil's face lit up with glee. "Really? I never had a pet except for the elk head in my dad's man cave," he said.

Uma stared thoughtfully at a series of deep claw marks scratched into the wall. She ran her finger over them. "What's this?" A framed ancient map that hung on the wall had been cut clean in half.

"Any chance that was already there?" asked Carlos. He looked around the room nervously, and Jay copied him. The royal blue curtains were tattered and torn, and the mysterious scratches continued along the corridor for many feet.

"Follow me," Dude offered, leading the group out of the room and toward the scent he'd detected.

A few moments later, the group followed Dude into the palace's hall of armor. Sunlight shone through the domed stained glass ceiling, illuminating artwork of the great battle scenes and gallant knights of past years. The group approached the grand foyer with a great reverence. Silver swords with glistening blades and shields battered from combat hung on the wood-paneled walls. Foreboding suits of armor that had been collected from the ages stood stiffly on platforms.

As the villain squad crept through the majestic hall, Harry inspected all the tempting treasures. His eyes lingered on the more portable items, like a sparkling halberd and an antique shield, and Jay knew he was wondering if anyone would notice if a few trinkets mysteriously went missing. He was a pirate, after all, and most importantly he was from the Isle. Jay knew that a few years ago he would be doing the same thing.

Jay moved up quietly behind Harry. "I can feel you lurking," Harry told Jay without turning around.

"Good," said Jay. He pushed Harry along roughly, silently vowing to keep a close eye on him.

As Jay dealt with Harry, he could hear the others arguing around him. Carlos was starting to get protective of Dude from Gil, and Evie was trying to make peace between an arguing Uma and Mal. Suddenly, a large noise made everyone stop talking and look toward where the noise had come from. A suit of armor that had stood stiff for centuries on a high wooden pedestal clicked its heels and turned toward the group.

"I believe we're being challenged," said Harry, his hook dancing in the air. The pirate was always itching for a good fight.

Mal and Uma, too busy one-upping each other, failed to heed Harry's warning. "Let's all split up and look for Audrey," Uma told Mal.

"That makes absolutely no sense. Unless I stop her with the ember, she'll spell you."

Harry cleared his throat and interrupted the girls' argument. "We have a situation here," he alerted them.

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