Chapter 18

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The car pulled up to the front of the castle as Jay asked his question.

"That's Teddy," Syl said, nodding to the double doors of the castle. Her friends looked over as a boy rushed out, running down to meet them. He looked around their age, with curly golden hair, and a tall lanky build. He was about as tall as Jay, maybe even taller. He was wearing dress pants and a shirt, but his tie was loose as he came bounding up to their car.

Sylphrenia turned it off and got out. Immediately, he grabbed her and hugged her. "I'm so excited you're here!" he exclaimed, hugging her even tighter. Syl was so short that her head barely came up to his shoulders.

She heard the other car doors open and close, and she knew that her friends had gotten out as well. "Nice to see you too, Teddy," she said, hugging him back. "Now get off of me."

"Sorry," he said sheepishly, moving back to give her some air. "Dad said the next time I had a fight I should just hug them."

Syl nodded knowledgeably. "Suffocation would be a very useful tactic," she said, her face deadpan.

He turned to the other people behind her. "Hi! I'm Teddy! It's nice to meet you!"

Syl could tell that Teddy's excitement was starting to overwhelm her friends. He didn't really know when to take a step back or how to get out of someone's personal space. She pulled him back out of Carlos's space.

"This is Carlos, Jane, Evie, and Jay," she said, pointing to each friend as she introduced them. Her friends looked interested to meet him, but Jay was looking miffed, like he didn't like Teddy. Sylphrenia decided she would have to talk to him later to find out what was wrong.

"It is absolutely wonderful to meet you all!" Teddy exclaimed, bouncing up and down. "I can't wait to show you guys everything! I mean-"

"Tedros!" A stern voice came from the castle. Everyone looked around to see a tall man with a short beard and a crown walking toward them. "I apologize for my son. Sometimes he can get a little excited," he continued. He came down the steps and caught sight of Syl. "Sylphrenia my dear! So nice to see you," he said, holding out his arms.

Syl came over and hugged him. Letting go, she turned back to her friends. "Guys, this is King Arthur. Sir, this is-"

"Carlos, Jane, Evie, and Jay!" Teddy finished, rushing over to his dad. "They're awesome, I can already tell!"

King Arthur placed a calming hand on his son's shoulder. "Welcome to Camelot," he said grandly to Syl's friends. He turned to her. "And welcome back," he said, smiling at her. She smiled back.

"Don't worry about your things, I'll have someone bring them up to your rooms," he said. "It's about lunchtime, so why don't we go back inside, and then Sylphrenia can show you around the castle while Teddy..." he gave his son a hard look, "...finishes his lessons."

Teddy opened his mouth to protest, but his father gave him a hard look, and he quieted.

As they walked through the castle, Syl's friends looked awed at the decorations and lavishness of the halls and rooms. Only Jay seemed disgruntled, scowling and looking away whenever Syl looked at him. Teddy kept her busy though, describing all the things that had happened since she had been gone, making jokes, and complaining about his teachers.

They arrived in the grand dining room to eat. Arthur had prepared a large banquet for his guests, and he gestured to it while he spoke. "The food is all prepared, now if you will excuse me, I would like to speak with Sylphrenia for a few minutes."

"Of course," Syl said, nodding.
Her friends nodded their agreement, and Teddy lead them to go get food. Arthur lead Syl out of the dining room. through hallways, staircases, and other rooms before they reached the war room. In reality, it was where Arthur and his knights met to prepare for battles, ceremonies, and to talk about what was happening in the kingdom. Syl had always called it the war room, because she had always thought that it sounded neater than the council room.

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