Chapter 23

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~Jay POV~

Between classes, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos strolled outside the school.

Mal was wearing a frilly pale green dress, with her hair in long blond tendrils, and the clutched a textbook from Fairies 101. She kept her head down and walked beside Evie, who was the epitome of fashion in her blue dress and blue box purse, both of her own making. Jay and Carlos led Dude, Carlos's scruffy but adorable dog, on a leash. The friends climbed up the steps onto a breezy outdoor patio.

Fellow students, holding textbooks, were milling about, perching in the niches of the school's stone wall or sitting on a stone railing. They smiled at Mal and her friends as they passed. The VKs had come a long way since they had arrived in Auradon. They used to be looked down on for being the kids of terrible villains, but now the four were treated with respect. It helped that Mal was gearing up to be the lady of the court.

Jay nodded and grinned, pointing at a group of girls who swooned when they saw him.

"Why do you torture them?" Carlos asked. "Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already."

"I'm going solo. That way, I can dance with all of them." Jay squeezed Carlos's shoulder and grinned, waggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I don't know. If I didn't know you better I would think that you are too scared to ask the person that you really want to go to Cotillion with." Carlos raised his eyebrow at Jay. Immediately, Jay frowned.

"I'm not scared. And besides, we're friends now. Nothing more."

Carlos laughed. "Then why do you have her picture in our room?"

Jay slung his arm over Carlos's shoulder and smiled fakley at him. "How about we don't talk about it and I don't beat you to a pulp?"

Carlos laughed nervously and ducked under Jay's arm. "I was just kidding. You're the expert in everything related to girls." He paused. "Let's say that you were going to ask someone... What's the best way to go?"

"Listen. All you got to do... is look like me." Jay howled with laughter.

"Oh, ha-ha." Carlos rolled his eyes.

Evie chucked. "I think that you should ask Sy-" Jay cut her off with a glare and she quickly changed the sentence. "I think that you should try asking someone else. I think you would enjoy it more. And, I believe that someone would say yes."

Jay avoided her gaze, trying to think of something to say, but he was saved by Jane. She had appeared before Mal and her friends clutching a tablet. Lonnie, daughter of Mulan, stood by her side, looking as chipper as ever. On her other side, Sylphrenia was smiling at them, looking a little bored. In contrast to the dresses she usually wore, she was instead wearing a pair of shorts and a big shirt with her hair tied up in a bun. Jay thought she looked very cute, which was a change from her intimidating beauty.

Jay opened his mouth to open his mouth to greet them, but Carlos beat him to it.

"Hey, Jane," he said nervously.

"Hey," said Jane, smiling at him.

"Uh, I was wondering... if you... uh... liked the carrot cake last night," he said.

"I had the pumpkin pie," she said sweetly, a bit confused.

"Oh. Cool." Carlos stared at her, unsure of what to say next.

Jay walked up behind him and gripped his shoulders. "Smooth," he said in a low voice. He shrunk back when Syl glared at him.

She turned back to her friends. "I'm going to go. Class starts soon. Lonnie, I'll see you tonight for your lesson." She waved to the girls and they waved back, saying goodbye. Sylphrenia walked over to where Jay and Carlos were standing, gripping each of their arms and pulling them, along with Dude, into the direction of their next class.

Just before they left, Jay could hear Evie say, "I have an opening for a fitting at three! Who wants it?" They walked back into the castle.

"Ow! Syl, let go!" Carlos yelped, trying to get out of her grip. Jay grimaced in pain. She was grabbing his arm very tightly.

"Oh, sorry Carlos," Syl said, letting go of him.

"Hey, you're hurting me too!" Jay protested. Syl turned to him and scowled, causing him to quiet.

"Carlos," she started sweetly. "I believe that it is absolutely wonderful that you're trying to ask Jane out to Cotillion."

Carlos blushed. "What- um, I'm not- what makes you say that?" She looked at him and he blushed. "Okay, I am trying to ask her out, but every time, I just get nervous, and... I just can't do it!"

Syl slung her arm over his shoulders. "You just have to take a deep breath, and go for it. Jane is a wonderful girl, and if she were to say no, she would do it very nicely. Not-" she added, "that I believe that she would say no in the first place."

Carlos looked down at his shoes. "Thanks Syl. I've just... have to be confident."

Syl smiled at him before turning to Jay. "Now you-" She probed her finger at his chest.

"What did I do?" asked Jay, trying desperately to get out of her grip.

"Do not tease him for trying to ask someone out. Just because you're afraid to doesn't mean-"

Jay cut her off. "I am not afraid to ask anyone to the dance! I'm just going solo so I can dance with all of the girls!"

Syl huffed, dropping his arm. "Uh! You are being so ridiculous."

Jay reddened. "Well, you are too!"

"Well I'm not going to speak to you for the rest of the day!"

"Well I'm not going to dance with you at Cotillion!"



Carlos watched them argue uncomfortably before speaking up. "Um, don't you guys realize that you guys are partners in nearly all of the classes you have together?"

They both looked at him, contemplating his words. Jay looked at Syl, who was still not looking at him, and stuck out his hand. "Truce?"

She whipped around, ignored the handshake, and stole his beanie off his head, placing it on hers. "Truce!" she said, happily. "But don't tease Carlos about Jane."

"Fine," Jay said, looking happy that they weren't arguing any more.

Carlos sighed. "Guys, we really need to get to class."

"Yeah yeah, come on." Jay slung his arms around Syl and Carlos who were on either side of him. At his touch, Syl reddened, but Jay didn't notice it. Carlos, however, did. It seemed that she did still have a crush on him. He grinned. Revenge on Jay would be sweet.

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