Chapter 11

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Sylphrenia was sitting in Remedial Goodness 101 when Fairy Godmother came up to the four VKs.

"Children," she said, "excuse me, um, as you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't come due to... uh... distance...," at this she made a little hand gesture, "we've arranged for a special treat."

Mal, Evie, and Syl exchanged curious glances. Ever since helping Mal before her date, the three girls were closer than before.

Fairy Godmother walked over to a TV monitor on a cart and clicked a keyboard. A shot of Maleficent filled the entire screen.

Sylphrenia was shocked. She had never seen the Queen of Darkness in person. She also hadn't been expecting the Fairy Godmother to face-time them.

"I don't see anything," said Maleficent, backing up to reveal the Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella gathered around her. "Not do I hear..." she said.

Fairy Godmother beckoned Mal and her friends over to the TV. They obeyed reluctantly, with Carlos carrying Dude who was dressed in a jacket. Syl hesitated for a second before going over to stand by the Fairy Godmother.

"Is this thing on?" asked Maleficent. "It's broken!" She clicked away at a remote and threw it down. "I hate electronics."

"Evie!" shouted the Evil Queen. Sylphrenia assumed that whatever Maleficent had done had worked.

"It's Mommy!" the Evil Queen continued, causing Evie to wave at the TV monitor.

"Look how beautiful," said the Evil Queen. "You know what they say: the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Cruella cackled.

"Don't you mean the weeds?" said Maleficent.

"Oh! Who's the old bat?" asked Cruella, pointing.

"That's Fairy Godmother," said Mal with a smile.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" asked Maleficent.

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" said Fairy Godmother.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella too one a.m.?" said Maleficent. "I mean, really. What, the little hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?"

Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella laughed.

"They were mice!" Fairy Godmother protested. She turned to Mal. "They were mice." Mal nodded to placate her, and she left to stand by the television, but not without one more hiss of, "They were mice!"

"Who's the shorty?" Maleficent asked.

"She looks familiar," said Jafar.

Mal took Syl by the arm and lead her over to the screen. "This is Sylphrenia. Daughter of..." Mal looked at Syl, unsure who her parents were.

"I'm Merlin's niece," Sylphrenia said.

"Your name isn't, ah, Nimue? Ursula always likes to talk about her."

Syl inwardly flinched at her mother's name. "I've never heard that name before," lied Syl.

"Hi, Mom!" said Mal, stopping the four villains from interrogating her friend.

"Mal!" Maleficent shouted.

The Evil Queen tapped Maleficent's horns. Sylphrenia assumed it was a reminder to calm down and be discreet.

"M-miss you," said Maleficent.

"You children are never far from our thoughts," Jafar said.

"I got it," Maleficent told Jafar coldly. She turned and spoke to Mal. "How long must Mommy wait to see you? You know Mommy's not good at waiting."

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