Chapter 20

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Sylphrenia walked down the cobbled street, biting into a cold ice cream. She sighed in contemplation as she savored the sweetness.

"When are we going to get there?" asked Evie.

She had been asking that for fifteen minuted, ever since Syl had taken them on a detour to get ice cream. The girls were exploring Camelot and getting their dresses for ball that was that night. Teddy had taken the boys so they wouldn't have to spend hours in dress shops. Sylphrenia supposed they were exploring the blacksmiths and the wharf, admiring the weapons and eating the fried delicacies that were sold there, and wished that she could be there as well. Which was why she had taken a detour for ice cream.

"It's just up here," she replied.

"I can't wait, the dressmaker's row is famous," said Jane. "I'm so excited to actually have the chance to come here."

"Personally, I've never heard of it," said Mal, shrugging.

They turned onto another street, and Evie squealed. They had arrived. Dresses sparkled in windows, signs and posters hung from storefronts, advertising sales, dresses, and other accessories.

"There are so many places!" Evie ran up to one of the windows and peered at the display critically. "Wow, their style is amazing. But I would have taken out the stitching right there... and probably have added some beads right there."

She grabbed Mal, and started tugging her into the shop. "I can't wait to find the right dress! I've always made my own, I haven't actually bought one."

Syl and Jane followed the girls as Evie practically skipped into the shop. An attendant greeted them, and Syl nodded back. Evie was floating around from dress to dress, looking at them and occasionally bringing one of the girls over so she could check the coloring. Sylphrenia sat on a chair by the dressing room and finished her ice cream, watching as Jane contemplated a dress.

"What about this one?" she asked Evie. Evie came up to stand by Jane.

"It's pretty, but it doesn't really match your skin tone," Evie told Jane. "Now..." she lead Jane out of Syl's hearing and they wandered through the dresses and out of sight.

It was comforting here, Syl realized. Sitting in the sun, she was feeling sleepy. She hadn't slept much the night before because of her dreams. Maybe she could sleep here, warm and safe in the sun. Her eyes were starting to get heavy when a voice snapped her out of her daze.

"So what happens when you think you've found something you like?" It was Mal. Syl almost jumped, and tried to come up with a coherent response.

"Uh... then you ask to try it on. If you like it, then they'll tailor it to you, and you come back and pick it up," she replied.

"You found a dress that you like?" asked Evie, coming up behind Mal. "I thought it would have taken longer."

Mal shrugged. "It looked nice," she said. "So who do I ask?"

Syl stood up. "I'll go ask her, just wait over by the dress you like." Her sleepiness fading, Sylphrenia went and found the attendant, and together they went to find Mal. They found her by a purple dress, with Jane and Evie flanking her.

"This one?" asked the attendant.

"Yeah," Mal said.

The attendant took the dress of the mannequin. "Follow me," she said. She lead the way through the rows of dresses to a small room that had mirrors on three sides and a raised stand to stand on. "Just change in here, if you like it, have someone come and find me, and I can start adjusting it," she said. She gave Mal the dress, nodded at the girls, and left.

Immediately, Evie plucked the dress out of Mal's hands. "Undress, and I'll help you put it on," she said, holding up the dress.

Mal undressed, and Evie undid the clasps, sliding it over her head. She attached them, and the girls stared at Mal in the mirror.

"This is a piece of artwork," Evie breathed. "And it looks amazing on you. It's just a tiny bit long."

"Ben will be speechless," Jane said, causing the other girls to laugh.

"Do you want to try on some shoes as well?" asked Syl. "I think I found some that would look very nice with that dress."

Mal nodded, still checking out the dress in the mirror, and Sylphrenia left, returning with the shoes. Mal slipped them on, and Evie eyed them. "Can you dance in those?" she asked skeptically.

"We're going to have to dance?" asked Mal.

"That is what a ball is," said Jane.

"I just didn't realize that we were required to," Mal said hesitantly.

"We aren't, you are. You're Ben's girlfriend, and because he's a visiting king, then..." Syl left off the sentence at Mal's troubled look, remembering the conversation they had the night before. "It'll be fine. You don't have to dance if you don't want to."

"It's fine," Mal said quickly.

"Here, let me get the attendant so she can hem your dress," said Evie, slipping out of the room.

Jane had left to go look at more dresses when Evie came back with the attendant. Immediately, she got to work measuring and pinning the dress to fit Mal. Evie watched her, seeming to take notes on her technique.

"There you go, dear," said the attendant. "As soon as we discuss payment, then I'll go and take care of it for you. I think it will take about a half hour for the dress to be done."

"Of course," Syl said. At the same time Mal asked, "Payment?"

The other two girls looked worried. Sylphrenia knew that they didn't have much money, since Evie made the most and she was saving up for a castle.

"I'm taking care of it," Syl told the attendant. She looked at her friends. "It's my trip, I'll take care of everything."

"But-" Evie started.

Syl cut her off. "It's fine. How about you guys go look for the rest of the dresses. I'll go pay."

Reluctantly, Evie went to help Mal get the dress off, while Syl followed the attendant outside.

The attendant went up to the counter and rang up the dress and shoes. Syl got out her wallet and gave her the correct amount before leaving the shop. Mal and Evie were outside of another dress store where she could see Jane standing inside. Smiling, Syl ran to go catch up.

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