Chapter 17

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On the first day of winter break, everyone woke up early, which marked how different that day was. In the lobby, people were crying and hugging each other as if they were never going to see each other again. Sylphrenia rolled her eyes as she lugged her trunk down the stairs. Mal was waiting for Evie to finish getting ready while she got her car. The boys were planning on meeting them in the lobby, but when Sylphrenia came down, nobody was there yet.

She walked up to the valet who was standing at the door, ready to retrieve the student's cars so they could drive home. "Sylphrenia Waters," she said, using her fake last name that she and Fairy Godmother had decided on before she started school.

He nodded, and left to go and get her car. Syl went to go and stand at the side of the wall, when she heard a yelp and a few students started pointing at the staircase. She turned around to see Jay sliding down the banister, Carlos following behind him with both of their suitcases. She rolled her eyes. When he got to the bottom, Jay looked around, and when he found her, he waved, running over to stand beside her.

"Where's everyone else?" he asked as Carlos struggled through the crowd behind him.

"Evie is getting ready, Mal will come down with her, Jane told me that she was going to be here in five minutes, and I have no idea what Ben is doing," she replied.

"I met him in the hall when Jay was running down," said Carlos, huffing as he got beside them. "He said that he was just going to get his scooter and that he would meet us here to put their luggage in your car."

"Okay," said Syl. They waited around, talking for a bit and looking around at everyone else who were going home.

At one point Sylphrenia waved goodbye to Lonnie, who was going to visit her parents, Mulan and Li Shang. A little while later, Jane hurried over, calling out a greeting.

"Hey guys! Are you ready?" she asked.

"Yeah," said Carlos breathlessly, staring at her.

"Sylphrenia Waters?" a voice called out. She turned around to see the valet. "Your car is outside," he said, handing her the keys.

"Thank you," she said, smiling and he returned to go assist another student.

"Should we go and put our stuff in your car?" asked Carlos. Before Syl could answer, Mal and Evie hurried down the staircase toward them.

"Sorry we're late, I needed to pack my curling iron and everything," Evie said.

"And she forgot three different things, so we had to go back and get them," said Mal, ratting out her friend.

"No problem," said Jay. "I'm probably going to end up using your hair supplies when we get there."

They all laughed.

"Where's Ben?" Mal asked.

Sylphrenia shrugged. "He told Carlos he was going to get his scooter but we haven't seen him since."

Evie noticed the keys in Syl's hand. "So your car is outside?"

"Yeah," Syl replied.

"Are you sure you don't want Jay to drive?" she asked hesitantly.

Sylphrenia glared at her as Mal snorted.

"I mean, he's the only one who has a driver's license," Evie said, trying to redeem herself.

"Wait, you can't drive?" asked Jane nervously.

"I have a driver's licence," Syl protested. "I have it right here." She pulled her wallet out of her purse and showed them the card. "I still don't get that you guys don't believe me when I say that I can drive."

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