Chapter 55

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"It feels odd to be relaxing," Sylphrenia hummed as she leaned her head against Jay's shoulder.

It had been four months since Audrey had cast her sleeping curse and they had defeated Nimueh. Syl had slept for three days straight and woken to a worried Jay by her bedside. Her siblings had already been awake and had already skipped town. Hades, to go organize his things on the isle so he could move closer to his daughter and Salophena to go fight a turf war with her neighbors who, according to Remington, had already declared them both dead and were trying to divvy up her farm for themselves. Syl figured they both needed a minute to process the loss of their immortality and their magic, and felt that the distance was a blessing.

They'd both left their phone numbers, though, along with promises that they would come back soon. It had been a long time since they'd been a family – longer for Hades and Salophena who had fallen into Auradon's timeline far before Syl had – but the idea of trying again was a sweet one.

Over the next few days, Jay and Syl talked, kissed, and talked some more.

Her friends were all a little clingy after the scare Syl put them through – not that she minded. Evie had come by to let out Syl's clothes (she'd put on weight since becoming human. Not that she – or Jay – minded). Carlos, Jane, and Dude brought a frisbee and the little VKs, all of whom were enamored by Syl. Mal brought a never-ending stream of baked goods – so many that Syl had to start giving some away to her neighbors.

Ben, busy dealing with the aftermath of the attacks, visited briefly, then scheduled Syl monthly meetings with his own therapist. He assured her that her past would get easier with time and that talking things out with someone she wasn't emotionally attached to really helped.

And in the quiet moments between visits, Syl and Jay took the time to re-learn who they were and what they meant to each other. It was a slow process – Syl was reconciling years of forgotten past and Jay was struggling with feelings of guilt and inadequacy that he had shared one night while they were drifting off to sleep. But they were working through it, and Syl felt that their relationship was stronger than before.

They loved each other, and they would make things work.

Months later, it still wasn't perfect, but life was still moving forward. Mal and Ben had been planning and convincing non-stop for the removal of the barrier around the isle. It was something they had to do and the magnitude of problems they had to face did not stop them.

Audrey went to court and was the first person tried under the new set of laws surrounding villainous works. She was found guilty, but along with the new laws came new punishments. They were harsh, but not banishing-someone-to-the-isle harsh.

But after all of Mal and Ben's work, the councils and advisors finally gave in, and they set the date for when the Isle's spell would be broken.

A party had been planned. Jay and Syl had stopped by Evie's house where she crafted them matching outfits and had somehow cornered them both to talk about marriage.

Syl and Jay had talked about it, but neither of them were ready. Jay and Gil had become quick friends after Ben had found a way to provide internet and phone coverage to the island. They both shared a desire to explore the world and Syl had encouraged them. Seeing Jay's excitement made her happy and it wasn't like there weren't planes. She could hop on a plane whenever she wanted if she missed him.

In turn, Syl was spending a lot of time at Salophena's farm. They talked about everything under the sun – what had happened since they were separated, and what they planned for the future. Syl had confessed that she didn't know what she wanted to do – she had gotten into Camelot University, but didn't know if she should move away from Auradon. Both Salophena and Remington had encouraged it; Syl had her own family and friends there, and they thought a change of scenery would do her good.

Merlin had become an adjunct professor of history at Camelot University since Morgan's return and Teddy was going to be attending that fall. It also had a good tourney team. Jay had admitted he didn't know if he wanted to attend college after his gap year, and they agreed that they should move through things one step at a time.

So marriage was a no-go. Not yet, at least. Evie was disappointed but Jay and Syl were happy, which was what mattered most.

The party celebrating the end of the Isle was held at the new Auradon Prep satellite campus, which would hold remedial classes for the VKs and provide services to help them adjust to life off the isle while living a walking distance from their families. Mal worried that separating the VKs and the other Auradon Prep kids would create tension and division, but she and the army of advisors she had gathered were rapidly working to find solutions.

Uma had been an invaluable asset to the project, and Syl was convinced that she would be deputy headmistress by the end of the first term.

"I feel like a chapter of our lives has ended," Jay commented as they watched their friends and revel at the party with the group that had streamed out of the isle as soon as the Mal lifted the barrier with the Fairy Godmother's wand.

The two of them had celebrated with the rest, but as the night went on they retreated to a cozy balcony where Syl could rest her aching feet and Jay could loosen his tie.

"That's because it has," Syl sighed. The loveseat was tiny but they managed, and it gave her the perfect angle to rest her head on his shoulder. "But we can't live in the past. Not forever."

Jay twined a lock of her hair between his fingers and kissed the crown of her head. "Wherever life takes me, as long as I'm with you, I'll be happy."

Syl snuggled more deeply into his chest. "I love you."

"I love you too." 

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