Chapter 8

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That night, while her roommates were still gone, Syl reviewed the love spell.

She had found that it was actually more of a potion than a spell. Most of the ingredients were simple, and together, could be cooked into a cookie.

The most difficult part of the spell was the final instruction: Soak the cookie in pure moonlight for thirteen hours.

Most beginner potion makers would assume this would mean to leave the potion out under the moon for 13 hours. In reality, a potion would have to be put in unfiltered collected moonlight.

And unfiltered moonlight was difficult to attain.

This was where Sylphrenia was conflicted. She had helped the villain kids once before, but this would be assisting them in stealing a fairy's wand; a very great offense in fey law.

Syl knew from her vision that if they stole the wand and returned it, they would be more accepted in Auradon and she could keep her friends.

If they didn't, she could stop them.

Overall, Syl decided to help them and see what happened.

That night, she snuck out to her vault and found her potion making supplies. There was dried pixie wings, ground root of sleeping thorn, and arachnid intestines, but no pure moonlight.

Sylphrenia would have to get some herself. She had heard of techniques on how to attain moonlight, but she had never done it herself.

Syl walked over to a blank wall on the side of her vault. She placed her hand on the wall and concentrated.

A map of Auradon appeared, carved into the rock. After a few seconds of scrutinizing the map, Syl found what she had been looking for: Mount Cassiel.

Syl smiled and pressed the label, causing the map to focus on a picture of the mountain. Perfect. She committed the image to memory before turning away. As she did, the cavern wall slowly became blank.

Syl shut her eyes and focused, picturing the top of the mountain. Suddenly, she felt the cold creeping into her bones. Opening her eyes, she found a floor of snow and a ceiling of stars.

A brisk wind started up, blowing across the top of the mountain and causing her to swirl across her legs. Syl could tell the cold was there, but she didn't actually feel it. Just once, she wished she could feel the icy grip of winter that could make her shiver, but it never came.

Syl could see the lights of a city in the distance and stopped for a minute, marveling at the sight before returning to the task at hand.

Syl slowly turned around before she found the moon, which was full and luminous. It had just risen over the summit where she was standing, and looked bigger than it usually did.

From her pocket, Sylphrenia produced a clear vial, but was unsure of what to do next. She had heard stories but had always been skeptical, assuming them to be tales. Now, standing in this enchanting place, she wasn't so sure.

Slowly, wincing slightly as skin tugged on her burns, she extended her arm out and touched the moon.

She gasped slightly as her hand made contact, exhilarated at the thought of touching the moon.

It was cold, almost like a liquid, but thicker than water. At the same time, however, it felt solid.

Syl bowed her head towards the moon. "A trade?" she whispered hopefully. "Some of me for some of you?"

Her hand slowly penetrated the surface, the substance becoming softer to her touch. With her other hand, she held out the vial, and filled it up with the moonlight. When it was full, she withdrew both hands and put the stopper back into the vial, tucking it into her pocket.

From the same pocket, she withdrew a knife. It had been made by her mother for the council, and was the one of the few things they possessed that could hurt a fey. It was a vorpal blade, around two inches long. Most vorpal blades were swords that had been gifted from a Lady of the Lake to a great hero. One of the most famous examples of a vorpal blade was Excalibur, however it had been taken from King Arthur long ago. Syl had "temporarily borrowed" the knife from the council and would need to give it back to them.

It was warm in her hand as she hesitated. Before she lost her nerve, Sylphrenia slid the knife through her glamour and into her palm. Golden blood welled up out of the cut. Fey blood was golden, because it was pure fairy dust, otherwise known as magic.

Syl held her hand up and wiped her blood onto the moon, leaving a golden streak on the glowing silver. It sparkled for a moment before dissolving into the surface.

Syl tucked the knife into her pocket as the moon grew in size and brightened. Fairy blood could enhance both people and objects, which was what made it very valuable.

Syl flexed her sore hand, sealing up the wound. It left a small scar, which she hid with her glamour. Having what she came for, she closed her eyes once again and found herself back in her vault.

Syl summoned a chair and sat there for a few minuets pondering her situation. She had something to help the four kids from the isle, but now she needed to find out when they were planning on making the love potion.

Syl was walking down the hall to her dorm when she ran into Lonnie, who was grinning widely.

"Guess what happened?" she asked Syl, squealing. Before Syl could open her mouth, Lonnie answered her own question. "So, I wanted a midnight snack, you know? And I found the VKs in the kitchen making cookies, and oh my gosh, I think Jay likes me!" She squealed, jumping up and down while grabbing Sylphrenia's hands. Syl's good mood evaporated, and a lost, disappointed feeling blocked out the pain in her hands.

"Good for you," she stuttered out. Was she feeling jealousy? She had never felt such a strong emotion before. It made her feel bare for the world to see. Did she actually like Jay? Romantically?

Good thing he liked Lonnie, she thought, stomping out her feelings. Fey and humans didn't mix well. It was... better for her this way.

She gave Lonnie a smile that to her seemed completely fake. Lonnie, in her excitement, didn't seem to notice. "I'm happy for you. You deserve it." Syl said.

Lonnie hugged her. "Thanks, I knew you would understand. It's hard, because I can't tell any of my other friends because they all like him too. He's so dreamy..." she broke off, waving faintly to Syl before wandering back down the hall.

For a minute Sylphrenia felt crushed, before shutting it out. She had better things to worry about than...

Four villain kids baking cookies.

One love potion.

They were making it tonight. She rushed quickly back down the steps to the kitchen where she paused outside the door. Leaning toward it, she could hear voices.

"Five minutes left, then we need to soak it in pure moonlight. It put it outside tonight."

"This is so boring."

"Here Dude, do you want another doggy treat?"

Syl pushed the door open a tiny bit. She leaned against the wall and summoned a piece of paper with the words "Pure Moonlight" written out in a neat scrawl. She tied it onto the vial before levitating it above the ground.

The vial floated through the space between the door and landed on the counter with a clink, causing Mal to look up.

Mal picked up the vial and read the label before rushing to the door, pulling it wide open. The hallway was empty.

She turned back to her friends who were looking at her, unaware of what had just occurred.

Mal swallowed. "I think someone's onto us."

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