Chapter 36

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Luckily for Sylphrenia, three of her four best friends had all gone on dates. Otherwise, she would have been left utterly clueless until Jay arrived.

"I have the perfect outfit for you!" Evie gushed, rushing around the room.

"He said it's just casual," Lonnie said, leaning back where she was sitting on Syl's bed. "Just have her wear a nice shirt and some pants."

"Syl always wears dresses, though," said Jane, who was looking over Evie's shoulder into her wardrobe. "We've got to make her look extra special for her first date. Pants won't do it."

"I think we'll be taking his motorcycle." Syl spoke up from where she was sitting on the floor. "Pants might be a better idea."

"Just have her wear her isle clothes," Mal said with a cheeky grin. "Jay seemed to like those."

"Definitely not," Evie said, spinning around with a dark green shirt and a leather belt clutched in her fingers, nearly hitting Jane in the process. "Sorry Jane. Here, Syl, try this. We need to hurry up because Jay will be here soon."

Syl got up onto her feet and grabbed the clothes. As she shut the door behind her, she could hear Lonnie say, "Isn't blue her color?"

Sylphrenia sighed and looked at the shirt. Although she was excited, worms of nervousness squirmed in her gut. She wasn't used to feeling nervous.

The shirt that Evie had given her had a wide neckline that showed off her black tank top underneath, and it was accented with the wide black belt that covered her stomach. Syl also changed into a pair of jeans and some socks. when she had opened the door, the others gushed with approval and Lonnie approached Syl, presenting her with black combat boots, Mal came up to examine Syl's hair.

"You really don't have to do anything with my hair," Syl told her, running a hand through her thick mane of waves.

"Sorry Syl, Evie insisted," Mal told her friend. Syl shifted in her seat as Mal's eyes glowed green.

"Beware, forswear, replace the old with fancy hair," she incanted. Syl could feel her hair tighten as it was swept up at the top of her head, a clip keeping it in place, and the rest spilling down around her shoulders.

"Wow Syl," Jane said. "Not that you don't usually look good, but you look stunning."

Syl smiled at her in thanks as Lonnie posed a question to Evie. "Do you think she needs any makeup?"

Evie grabbed Syl's face in her hands and turned it from side to side, examining it. "No pimples...blemishes...nothing. You don't need any makeup Syl."

"Which is good, because Jay will be here any second," Jane said, rushing over from where she had been peeking through a crack in the door.

"Thanks guys," Syl said, standing up. "For everything."

"Its our pleasure," Evie said, wrapping her hands around Syl's and smiling at her.

"And besides, we've been waiting for you two to get together since you met," Lonnie told her. Syl flushed when suddenly, a knock sounded on the door. Syl blanched, putting a hand on her stomach.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up."

"Please don't," Evie said as Mal rushed to open the door. "You just brushed your teeth."

Mal opened the door to reveal Jay, who was standing there awkwardly and holding a bouquet of white roses. When he caught sight of Syl, his face erupted into a smile. "Hey."

"Hey," she replied, going over to stand in front of him. They stared at each other for a second before Jay blushed and looked down. He seemed to realize what he was holding.

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