Chapter 33

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The only even Syl had seen that was grander than Ben's coronation ceremony was cotillion.

For starters, it was being held on a sleek white party yacht called True Love that was decked in the marina. Auradon's royal crests adorned either side of the yacht. Orbs of light hung from long cables strung over the deck. There were little round tables with lamps on them here and there, leaving plenty of room for people to dance. A set of stairs with a blue and gold trimmed carpet led up to a stage. Everything looked incredible.

Syl joined the line that snaked its way around the front of roped off fans and paparazzi, and led to the yacht. Dressed in a dark green dress that had been designed by Evie, she looked around, trying to find Jay in the crowd of people.

They had agreed to come separately, as Jay had needed to go to the ROAR meeting before getting ready.

Just as Syl was starting to believe he would be late, Jay slipped along the crowd of people to join her in line.

"Wow," he said, admiring her dress. "You look beautiful."

She blushed. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." He was wearing a red and gold leather suit jacket and crimson fingerless gloves, which Syl actually believed looked very good on him.

Jay smiled, as if he knew what she was thinking, and extended his arm. "Shall we?"

Syl smiled back as she took his arm, nodding.

Together, they made their way through the crowd of paparazzi and fans. Pictures were snapped, and one reporter shoved their way to Syl and Jay, stopping the couple's progress.

"Sylphrenia! Who made your dress?" the reporter questioned, shoving a microphone in Syl's face.

"Evie did. Actually..." Syl gestured to the crowd of students attempting to enter the yacht. "... I believe she designed most of the dresses here tonight."

"And who's your date?" the reporter continued.

Syl smiled and looked at Jay. "This is Jay."

"Son of Jafar?"

Jay became stiff next to Syl, and Syl's eyes became cold.

"I do not see how that is relevant," she said coldly.

The reporter attempted to ask more questions, but Syl ignored her, slightly pulling on Jay's arm to get out of the throng of people.

"Are you all right?" she asked him as they made their way to the yacht.

"Yeah. It's just..." he sighed. "I don't want people to know me as Jafar's son. When they learn that, it's all they pay attention to." He shrugged. "It's all right. I'm used to it. We're here to have fun, right?"

Syl looked at him sadly and leaned into his arm. "Jay, your friends see more to you. I see more to you."

Jay looked down at her and smiled. "Come on. It's our turn."

They made their way onto the yacht and descended the steps to the party deck, past bushels of colorful flowers in clusters of white, yellow, and blue, toward the table where people served punch. Chatting, Jay lead Syl onto the dance floor.

They danced together fro a while, enjoying each other's company, before being joined by Evie and Doug, Carlos and Jane, and Lonnie and Aziz.

At last, the music stopped, getting everyone's attention. Jay stepped up to place his arm around Syl's waist as young men in pale yellow suits lined the yacht's steps, and in one unified motion, they lifted their trumpets and began playing fanfare.

All eyes turned to Lumiere at the top of the steps. He had thin gray hair and resembled the candelabrum he had once been enchanted to be. That night, he wore a white suit with gold epaulets and a pale gold bow tie. "The future... Lady Mal!" Lumiere announced.

Mal entered at the top of the staircase.

Syl sucked in a breath in awe. Mal looked stunning in her yellow dress bejeweled with blue jems, blue and yellow tulle, and a sparking cape that trailed the ground behind her. Evie had edged up the look, adding a leather bracelet, boots, and a crown-esque hair ornament. Mal's purple hair was in a pretty side braid that snaked down her shoulder. She looked down at all the people watching her from the ship's deck.

The throng of people responded to Mal's purple hair with a murmur of surprise, which drowned out Syl and her friends' clapping.

Mal descended the steps toward the deck as the applause spread throughout she ship.

Belle and Beast, who were wearing blue and yellow and gold, greeted Mal, and the crowd watched as they talked together.

Evie, who Syl assumed knew that Mal was nervous, slipped around Syl and rushed to Mal's side, leading her back to their friends.

"How are you feeling?" Evie asked Mal as they came back.

Mal looked at the cameras and guests. "I feel like I'm going to throw up."

"It's okay. We're here with you," Syl told her, placing her hand on Mal's shoulder.

Mal grabbed Evie's hands, giving Syl a smile. More fanfare played. Syl and Jay exchanged glances, smiling. It was going to be a great moment for the VK, and Syl was glad to be involved.

"King Benjamin!" Lumiere announced.

Ben appeared at the top of the stairs in a sleek royal blue silk jacket with gold accents. The belt he wore had a gold beast emblem buckle. His honey brown hair was swept across his forehead under his thick gold crown, and his blue eyes sparkled like stars. Syl smiled proudly. He looked every bit a king.

Everyone applauded, and Syl noticed that Mal couldn't take her eyes off him. Ben nodded to Mal, and she smiled at him. He walked down the stairs and paused at the bottom.

"Go get him," Syl heard Evie whisper to Mal.

Mal took a step forward.

Ben passed his parents without looking their way. Syl could see them looking at each other in confusion at being ignored. Syl's stomach twisted. Something felt wrong, but she didn't know what.

Unsettled, Syl settled closer into Jay, and his grip tightened around her waist.

Ben walked past them and came up to Mal, bowing. Mal bowed back.

"Mal," said Ben, coming up from his bow. "I wish I had time to explain..." He turned around and looked toward the top of the stairs.

Confused, Syl turned to the entrance and what she saw made her gasp.

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