Chapter 12

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~Sylphrenia POV~

The next morning, Sylphrenia woke up to a loud yelp. It sounded like Evie, because Mal had landed on the floor with a loud "Oof!" and a "What's going on!"

"Sorry, sorry, didn't see you there" said a younger voice, as bed springs creaked.

Syl sighed and laid back down. "Madelyn Anne Emrys, what did we say about teleportation?" she asked.

"Don't do it until you're accurate." Maddie mumbled. "But I am accurate! Just it's different with long distances," she protested.

Syl swung her legs over the side of her bed and sat up, turning on the light next to her bed.

It illuminated a small girl with long messy brown hair, who gave her a big smile. "Hi, Sylphrenia," she said, climbing into Syl's lap.

"Hey Maddie," Syl said, hugging her. She turned to her friends. "This is Maddie, my cousin," she said. "Sorry about the whole teleportation thing, she's new."

Mal climbed off the floor, rubbing her back. "It's all right," she said.

"Yeah," said Evie, sitting up, a bit disgruntled.

"Maddie, this is Mal and Evie," Syl said. Her cousin waved. "Hi, sorry."

"What are you doing here?" Syl asked.

"Oh, Dad said he couldn't come to Family Day, so he sent me!" Maddie replied, jumping up. "But I forgot to change out of my pajamas." She frowned.

Evie laughed as Sylphrenia sighed. "That's why I've got some clothes for you in my closet," she said, ruffling her hand through Maddie's hair. She stood up and rifled through her closet, grabbing a box full of clothes and tossing it to her cousin.

Twently minutes later, Syl was carrying Maddie down to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"I am so, so, excited, especially to meet your friends. And the new kids from the Isle. I can't wait! They're probably awesome," Maddie rambled.

"Well," said Syl, "how about we have a game. By the end of the day, if you can figure out who all of them are, then I'll buy you an ice cream the next time I visit."

Maddie was suspicious. "What happens if I lose?"

"I'll introduce you to them," Syl said as they opened the door to the cafeteria and joined the line of students.

By the time they had got their food, the rest of the VKs were already eating, so Syl and Maddie joined them.

"Hi Mal and Evie," said Maddie sheepishly as she sat down.

Evie laughed again. "Hi Maddie, it's nice to see you!"

Carlos and Jay turned around and looked at Maddie, confused.

"Jay, Carlos, this is Maddie, my cousin. Maddie, this is Jay and Carlos." Syl explained.

"Hello!" Maddie said brightly, smiling at them.

"Hey," said Carlos.

Jay smiled back at her. "Are you visiting for Family day?"

"Yup," Maddie said as she dug into her pancakes. "I'm so excited. I haven't seen Sylphrenia in ages." She sighed dramatically, shaking her head. "What have we been able to do without you? Nothing." She raised her hands up in mock indignation. Then she stopped, going back to her food. "Actually, I'm kind of serious. I think my dad's going off his rocker. He's been trying to make a time machine all month."

Syl choked on her food, her friends looking at her, confused. "I need to go make a call." She kissed to top of Maddie's head. "I'll be back."

Syl walked out of the cafeteria, looking back at her adoptive cousin, who was laughing at something Jay was saying. She smiled, before leaving and going down a deserted hallway. She pulled out her phone and pressed on Merlin's contact.

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