Chapter 35

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Uma sloshed a wave of water at the yacht that sent everyone stumbling, toppling Syl once again into Jay.

He steadied her again, placing his hands on her waist as they watched Uma.

Uma vanished under the waves before resurfacing. "True Love's Kiss won't defeat this!" Uma roared, grinning. "The world will know my name!" she threw back her arms, then flung out her long slimy tentacles. One nearly swept Evie into the sea, but she jumped aside. Another lashed out at Syl and Jay, who dodged it, as well. Uma cackled with her hands on her hips, then she folded her arms, ready to strike again.

Mal watched as they avoided Uma's attacks. She clenched her fists, which were sparkling with magic.

Syl looked at her, before holding out her hand. A long wooden wand flew out of nowhere and into her palm. Her fingers curled instinctively around the handle, and a jolt of magic was sent through her hand, into her arm.

"Catch!" Syl shouted, tossing her wand to Mal.

The girl caught it, and without thinking, whipped it around her. Syl watched as Mal's eyes sparkled bright green, her hair whipped with magic, and then...

Mal vanished in a burst of purple smoke- and then turned into a giant dragon.

Syl smiled, gazing at Mal's iridescent purple scales and a bilious green underbelly, razor sharp claws and teeth, two curved horns on the top of her head, and a long spiked tail.

Everyone on the yacht gasped.

Mal locked her glowing green eyes with those of the enormous sea witch.

"Bring it on, Mal!" Uma yelled, swiping with her arms and tentacles as Mal wheeled overhead. "Let's finish this- once and for all!"

Mal spread her huge green-purple wings and soared over Uma, breathing out flames. People on the yacht crouched down to evade the heat. Uma ducked under the waves, and the yacht violently tipped, causing people to topple over.

Waves got bigger and bigger, splashing over people, soaking them. Once girl got swept over, and Syl lunged over, grabbing the girl's hand and pulling her back safely onto the deck.

Ben had seen enough. He roared mightily, removed his crown and jacket, and ran to the banister. Despite the screams from the guests, Ben dove off the yacht into the sea. He surfaced between the two dueling giants.

"Stop!" Ben shouted. "Mal! Uma! Back down!" He looked from one massive monster to the other. "Back down!"

Mal and Uma broke their stare off by looking down at Ben.

Uma cackled. "What are you gonna do, Ben? Splash me?"

Mal's eyes sparkled brighter as she hovered beside Ben and glowered at Uma, her dragon wings flaring out in anger.

"That's enough! This isn't the answer! The fighting has got to stop! Everyone!" yelled Ben. He looked at Mal. "Nobody wins this way. We have to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy. But let's be brave enough to try."

Uma rolled her eyes.

Mal's green sparkle faded from hers, and she straightened up a little.

Ben turned to Uma. "Uma, I know you want what is best for the Isle! Help me make a difference!" Syl watched in silence as Ben held out his hand to Uma.

She looked torn. Her eyes suffered. She reached out a tentacle to Ben, about to touch his hand. Syl held her breath as Uma dropped his beast head ring into his hand.

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