Chapter 44

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The motley crew of villain kids marched over the bridge, hiked along the craggy coast, and wound their way up the road that led to Auradon Prep. The scene that greeted them was shocking and struck another pang of fear into Jay's heart. The school's green lawn was littered with sleeping students, all still and silent, and the only thing assuring Jay that they weren't dead was the slight sniffle or rustle as someone moved in their sleep.

"They're asleep-everyone," said Evie, absorbing the alarming sight.

Jay pulled out his phone and checked it. Syl hadn't called him. Hurriedly, Jay found Syl's name on his phone and called her. She didn't answer.

"I can't get Ben," said Mal, worried.

"Or Dizzy or Doug," Evie added with concern.

"Syl didn't answer either," said Jay worriedly.

"Or Jane. Signal's out," confirmed Carlos.

Celia wandered ahead of the group, turning her head from side to side every few feet. Her jaw fell open when she spotted the large castle-like building that had been hidden by a grove of trees. "Is this Auradon Prep?"

"Yeah, and when everybody wakes up, you're going to love it," Carlos said with a smile.

"Yes!" exclaimed Celia.

Jay smiled weakly at her enthusiasm, remembering when he had first come to Auradon and the awe that he had felt.

Gil too, seemed in awe of Auradon Prep, which until that moment had been a place he'd only heard about. "It's all so..."

"Freaky," offered Jay, thinking of his classmates, spelled into hibernation, Syl being one of those still sleeping figures.

"Green!" corrected Gil, his eyes as big as saucers. "You have leaves on your tress. And what are those colorful things in your bushes?"

"Uh. Flowers," Jay answered, caught off guard.

"Flowers are pretty," Gil gushed. His eyes landed on a large bowl of ripe red grabes that sat atop a picnic table, left unfinished by a sleeping eater. "Cantaloupes!" he shouted, rushing forward. He put his hands around the large bowl, lifted it to his mouth, and dumped the whole bunch of grapes in at once. He broke out in a huge dopey grin that made Jay want to smile as well. What Gil lacked in brains he made up for in pure joy.

Uma raised her eyebrows. "We don't have any fresh fruit on the Isle, remember?" she said in explanation.

Jay came up to Gil and patted him on the back. "They're grapes," he explained.

"Grapes." Gill seemed to roll the word over his tongue. "Love grapes," he said definitively.

As Gil chewed happily on the sleeping student's lunch, Harry strode up to another sleeping student and picked his pocket. "I believe I deserve compensation for my muscles, my wiles, my role in this endeavor," said Harry surveying the dozing crows and deciding which sleeper to steal from next.

Jay flexed his arms threateningly and pounded his right fist into his left palm. "You do: me not squashing you like a but." He grabbed the cash from Harry's hook, shook his head, and put it back. The pirate was getting on his nerves, and his worry about his girlfriend was not making it any better.

Harry held his sharp hook to Jay's throat. "Think I'm scared of you, Jay?"

Jay stuck his face inches from Harry's and was about to speak when Mal and Uma noticed their first lieutenants battling egos. "Guys," snapped the impatient leaders in unison. Both girls were surprised by their moment of solidarity.

Jay backed away, but before Mal could lecture them further, a familiar voice spoke. "Mmmmm, delicious."

"Dude?" Carlos cried.

Jay turned to find Dude sitting beneath a picnic table, eating a hot dog from a sleeping boy's hand. The dog was obviously enjoying himself. Dude looked up, caught in the act, and belched.

"Dude, really?" asked Carlos, trying to stifle a laugh.

"He wasn't eating it," the dog protested.

"Dude, do you know what happened here?" Immediately, they were all paying attention, everyone wanting some answers.

"Yeah, Audrey put everybody to sleep. Oh, and then she turned some of them-"

"Guys!" cried Evie. She pointed at a statuesque girl who was standing a few feet away from Dude. "Hanna's turned to stone." The girl was frozen in granite, still wearing her marching band uniform, and looking nervous.

"All right, everyone stay on their toes," warned Jay, nervousness squirming in his stomach as he tried not to think about Syl.

"Look, since we're here, let's check the school," suggested Uma. The others looked ready to follow her to the entrance, but Mal stepped up.

"No," she said. "Audrey went straight for the crown, so I think it's safe to assume she's going to go for Ben and his castle next. That's where we'll go."

"Says who?" asked Uma, stepping up to Mal.

"Says me," Mal said, leaning forward menacingly.

"Says you and that's supposed to mean something to me?" challenged Uma.

"Guys," implored Evie.

Uma looked as if she still didn't like it, but she stepped back, allowing Mal to take the lead. "To the castle," the purple-haired girl said, looking satisfied with her victory.

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