Chapter 16 (Part II)

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A figure was standing on a snow covered hill, staring into the distance. The darkness enveloped the person, and the only light to see by was the moon, which was quickly being covered by clouds.

A storm was brewing, dark and thick, rolling down over the mountains, traveling fast. The figure turned and started to hurry down the snow, slipping but never falling.

Soon, they were enveloped by a thick forest. It was even darker there, as no light penetrated the branches.

The figure hurried on despite the darkness. They rushed through as if they had traveled the route so many times it would be forever in their memory.

A rabbit, spooked by the figure ran out of a bush into the night. The person did not stop, every moment or two looking back to see how far the storm had come.

At last, the figure reached a clearing, where a house stood. It was old, but well kept and sturdy. Merry light from the windows provided a haven from the darkness.

Rushing up the steps, the person reached out, and pushed on the door. It slid open, and warmth spilled out into the night.

The figure stepped inside and closed the door, bolting it shut. They stared out at the scene before them: friends and family gathered around a fireplace, surrounded by books and contraptions. Mismatched chairs and furniture stood throughout the room, pulled up to stand around the fireplace.

A person looked out from behind the wing of a chair. He was older, with a beard and hair that were starting to gray at the edges. His eyes sparkled with wisdom and magic as he stared at the figure, waiting.

"A storm is coming," said Sylphrenia.

"And we will be ready," replied Merlin.

~Two Weeks Earlier~

It was two days before winter break and everyone at Auradon Prep was excited. There was a hum of good cheer and holiday joy, one that did not share.

In three days, she was going to leave to spend four weeks in Camelot. She was excited about going, however she was not excited for what was in store for her. Sylphrenia had to find Morgan le Fay; Merlin's wife, Maddie's mother, and the woman who had raised Syl when she had left Avalon.

Needless to say, Syl was sad that she was the one to track her down and bring her to justice, but as she was the guardian of Camelot, it was her duty to find her. She had been preparing for it ever since the night of the coronation, when she realized that she was more than just a normal student at Auradon Prep, and that she had duties to attend to.

A little less than a year ago, Morgan had betrayed her kingdom. She had attempted to assassinate King Arthur. She also gave Queen Genevieve a love potion that was so strong that nobody could break it. The potion had caused the queen to leave with Lancelot, one of Arthur's knights. It had left the prince motherless and the king grieving. Arthur had assembled his forces to stop Morgan le Fay, but she had fled. As the fairy of the realm, it was Sylphrenia's job to bring her back to his court to face justice.

The thought of hunting down the person who was like a mother to her had caused her to get in a worse mood each day. She was not the only one, however. Many of her friends were getting sadder and quieter as it got closer to the break.

Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos were all planning to stay at Auradon Prep for their break, as they were unable to visit their parents in the Isle of the Lost. Sylphrenia's friendship with all of them had grown, and her once strong feelings for Jay were... still there, however they had become good friends. She was willing to push down her feelings, and she had long ago decided that it would be best

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