Chapter 30

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Mal reached the bridge that connected the pier to the pirate ship.

It was a rickety old thing, encrusted with brine. Below, sharp rocks and broken boardwalk beams jutted out of the roiling sea. Jay and his friends stood out behind Mal in a supportive huddle. In front of her, on the ship, were dozens of ragtag pirates, made fierce by face paint and glinting swords. Harry clung to Ben's arm. He stood on a plank with both hands behind his back, bound tightly with rope. Ben looked at Mal, whose eyes narrowed at Uma. As Mal stepped onto the bride, Jay scanned the deck for Syl, but he couldn't see her anywhere.

Mal proceeded to negotiate with Uma, trying to get her to let Ben go, but Uma was adamant. Finally, Mal backed up, and Carlos shoved the fake want into her hand.

At that instant, Harry tipped Ben forward on the plank. He gripped Ben by the jacket so if he let go, Ben would plummet into the dark icy sea.

Jay and the others froze, horrorstruck. Ben tried to strike a deal with Uma, but she laughed at him, walking out onto the bridge to trade the wand with Mal. Jay followed closely behind Mal, wanting to find out where Syl was.

Uma was eying the sparkly wand gripped in Mal's closed fist when Jay butted in. "Where's Syl?"

Uma snarled at him. "Who?"

Jay was starting to get angry. "Sylphrenia. Where is she?"

"Oooh, right. Your girlfriend." Uma laughed. "You see... we lied. We never had her. She must have gotten lost somewhere. Once you turn over the wand, you can go and find her."

Jay growled, but Mal put a hand on his chest. "We'll find her."

Tense, Jay backed up to stand with Carlos and Evie. Where could Syl be? Now, he was even more nervous. What if someone had found her? Someone worse than Uma? Someone like his father? Jay forced himself to turn back to the events at hand. One thing at a time. They would rescue Ben, and then he would find Syl.

Uma was getting cautious. "Hold up," she commanded.

Mal waited.

"Too easy." Uma grinned. "Give it a test drive! We want to see it work."

The pirates behind her on the ship jeered and exchanged smiles.

Mal rolled her eyes. "Wow, you always were such a drama queen."

Uma's grin vanished. She sheathed her sword. "Nothing too big," she threatened, "or else Ben is fish bait."

Harry lowered Ben by his jacket even more.

"We're dead," Carlos muttered to his friends. But then Evie leaned in and whispered something to Carlos: "Dude."

Mal spun around to look at her friends in terror; then Carlos nodded to the side, toward where Dude was sitting on the pier. "Okay," said Mal, turning. She pointed the fake want at Dude. "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word!" Mal incanted.

Dude stared at her.

It was quiet except for the crashing of the tumultuous sea.

Mal and Uma glared at each other until Mal wheeled on Dude. "Talk, dog!"

Carlos gave Dude a squeeze to get him going.

"What? I hate public speaking!" cried Dude.

Uma's face broke into a smile, and the leering pirates behind her nodded and nudged one another, beaming and mumbling among themselves excitedly.

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