Chapter 53

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WARNING: This chapter contains mentions of domestic abuse. If you are sensitive to this topic, please skip the section of text between the two horizontal lines at the beginning of the chapter containing the italicized text.

Fairy Godmother sighed. "Before she died, Nimueh described three fey who, she said if we ever encountered, we should banish them from our world. You matched this description when you came here all those years ago. The council thought about banishing you back to Avalon, but we decided against it because you couldn't remember anything. When you and your friends disappeared in the woods of Camelot, the council was afraid you would regain your memories. I, along with the Enchantress and King Triton, arrived at Merlin's house in time to see... terrible, terrible things."

Sylphrenia sucked in a breath, remembering everything that had happened that night. All of her memories had been wiped clean by the Enchantress and King Triton, leaving behind shallowly fake memories.

"So have you just been lying to us the whole time?" The question had come from Jay. The words were cold, but Syl could sense the undertone of hurt in his voice.

She shook her head. "No. Someone has tampered with my memories before. And I can't explain, because I need to go before it's too late."

Shrugging her arm out of Jay's loose grip, she turned toward the other end of the hall. It was completely empty, but Syl knew better.
"Come on out, Morgan," she said. "I need your help again."

The woman seemed to walk out of a wall, her cloak changing from the same slate-gray as the stone behind her to its original midnight blue. Under the hood, like in Syl's memories, was a bundle of raven-colored curls and a pale pointed face.

"How did you know?" Morgan le Fay asked calmly as she walked toward them. Her heels made clicking noises on the stone as she stopped in front of Syl. The others took a few steps back, shocked that someone else was there.

Syl merely tapped the band-aid on her neck which covered the small puncture wound that Jay had pointed out earlier. "To obtain your lost memories, you must perform a sleeping curse," she said, quoting Morgan's letter that she had written on the Isle of the Lost. "I figured if Uma's pirate friends could escape, so could you. And the fact that you were the one who performed the possession spell and infected me with whatever that is," Syl gestured vaguely at the quivering black blob on the floor, "made it pretty obvious."

Morgan shrugged slyly. "I was possessed too," she said. "The spell wore off after I had been sent to the Isle of the Lost." Tenderly, she reached out and tugged on one of Syl's long curls that were so similar to her own. "What does she want with you?" she asked sadly.

Syl laughed. "Nimueh?"

Morgan shook her head. "Salophena. Nimueh has been dead for years."

Syl smiled. "Tha's what she wanted you to think. Morgan, can I have your cursed needle?" When Morgan hesitated, Syl continued. "I know you still have it. After all, it's what you used to curse me, and you wouldn't leave it lying around where someone would accidentally find it."

Tucking her hand into the voluminous sleeve of her gown, Morgan drew out a vicious-looking spinning needle that was being kept in a test tube that had Auradon Prep's seal stamped on it. Syl recognized it from the identical ones that were stored in the chemistry labs at the school.

"Thank you," Syl said, plucking it out of Morgan's fingers.

"What are you going to do with a sleeping curse?" Fairy Godmother asked trepidatiously. When Syl turned toward her, she realized that the woman's hand was resting on her wand.

"Nothing to be concerned about," Syl said, tucking it into her own sleeve. She then turned toward her friends. "I'm sorry for not explaining more," she said. "But I really need to go."

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