Chapter 25

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Syl sat on Jay's bed, laughing.

Jay and Carlos were trying out a new video game, which involved racing cars through a deserted town filled with villains, dragons, and more. It had been exceptionally funny when Cruella de Vil had shown up, and Carlos had greeted her before driving off.

"I'm gonna get you!" Jay told Carlos, swerving his controller left and right.

"Yeah right!" said Carlos, who was ahead of him.

"Go Carlos!" Syl cheered.

"Hey!" Jay exclaimed, crashing his car. "I thought you were on my side!" He turned to scowl at her as Carlos crossed the finish line.

She smiled cheekily back. "I was cheering for the winner." Jay opened his mouth to give a retort, but the door opened, and all of them looked up.

"Guys Mal left-" It was Evie, and she stopped short as she caught sight of Syl. Syl's face immediately dropped from a grin to a concerned look.

"What do you mean Mal left?" Jay asked, looking at Evie.

"Um, do you mind if we talked about this privately?" she asked, still looking at Syl.

"She went back to the Isle, didn't she?" Syl asked quietly. Evie became still.

"Did she?" asked Carlos.


"What happened?" asked Jay.

Evie frowned. "She and Ben went on a date, and I guess she was under a lot of pressure from trying to become a princess, and he found out about her spell book and how she's still using it, and he went a little, ah..."

"Beast on her?" Syl asked. Evie nodded.

"Well what are we waiting for?" asked Jay. "We need to get her back."

"Which is why I came to get you guys. We need to take Ben to apologize," Evie said. She walked over to Syl and took her hands. "Please don't tell anyone. We don't want this to end up on any tabloid or something."

Syl looked at her. This was her chance to find Morgan and to help Mal. "I want to go with you guys."

"No," Jay said. "You don't realize what it's like over there. It's too dangerous. You're not coming."

Syl stood up. "Yes I am. Mal is my friend too." She and Jay stared at each other, arms folded, before Evie stepped between them.

"Jay, there's a safety in numbers. Syl, you just have to promise to stay with us at all times. And you can't go looking like that." She stared at Syl's bright shirt, shorts, and sandals.

"I'll go change. And..." Syl went and poked Jay's chest, "...don't leave without me."

She left, and Jay scowled and Evie. "You shouldn't have let her come. It's too dangerous."

Evie turned on him. "You're just saying that because you like her, and you don't want to expose her to the Isle."

Jay opened his mouth and closed it again. "So what if I don't want to expose her to the Isle? She's so perfect. The Isle ruins everything that is beautiful."

"Guys, what if we run into our parents?" asked Carlos quietly. Evie and Jay looked at him. "I mean, they'll be really mad. I mean really really mad."

"We just have to take that chance," Evie said. "I'm going to leave you guys. We need to change, and I need to make sure Syl isn't wearing anything too... nice."

Back at her dorm, Syl dug through her closet until she found what she was looking for. By the time she came out, Evie was back and was staring at her Isle clothes. When she looked up, she stared at Syl.

"Wow. You look like a villain."

Syl was wearing black leather shorts, a leather jacket, fishnets, black boots, and her was braided at the back of her head.

"Thanks. This was the best I had."

"It looks good," Evie said, coming over and straightening Syl's jacket. "It's just... are you sure you want to come?"

Syl placed her hand over Evie's. "I'm sure." She felt a little guilty for planing on leaving them, but she was still there to help Mal, and that came first.

"Okay," Evie sighed, turning to grab her clothes. "I'm going to change."

She headed to the bathroom, but Syl called out after her. "Are you all right going?"

Evie stopped before nodding. "Yeah."

After Evie had changed, they all met up back in Jay and Carlos's room. When Syl stepped in, Jay stared at her. "Wow. You look..."

"Like a villain?" asked Syl.

"Uh, yeah," he said. He looked at Evie who was doing last minute adjustments to Ben's outfit, and Carlos, who was messing with his hair, before taking her arm and guiding her over to the corner so they couldn't be heard. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude when I said you shouldn't come. I just..."

Syl smiled at him. "Wanted to protect me? I know. But I'm still coming."

He smiled at her. "Thanks."

"Are you guys ready?" Evie asked them from the door.



"Ready as I could ever be."

"Then let's go," she said. They all left the room, went down the empty halls, and exited the castle, where the limo was waiting.

"Keys. Remote," said Ben, tossing them to Jay. "Let's go."

"Wait!" said Evie.

Everyone gathered at the foot of the stairs.

"Something's wrong," she said.
Everyone looked at her expectantly.

She stepped in front of Ben, pulled his beanie farther down over his hair, ruffled his jacked and smiled. She turned to Syl and unzipped her jacket another inch. "There," she said, satisfied.

Suddenly, Dude appeared behind them on the stairs. "Road trip!" he said.

"Dude, no!" said Carlos. "Stay! The Isle is way too dangerous."

Ben, Evie, Syl, and Jay gawked at Dude.

"He just...talked?" asked Jay.

"Yeah. I know. I'll tell ya later," said Carlos.

Everyone stared at each other for a brief moment and shook their heads.

"Let's go," said Ben, determined to push through the shock of the talking dog.

In a haze, everyone climbed into the limo, with Syl and Jay in the front. Filled with buttons, gadgets, refreshments, and vast arrays of colorful sweets, it was the same one that had brought Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos to Auradon Prep. Jay and Carlos had tried their first ever chocolate peanut butter cups in that very limo. But Jay had never driven it before. He smiled devilishly, grabbed the steering wheel and hit the gas.

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