Chapter 38

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There was an error in Chapter 37 having to do with time. (I had thought that a month had passed from Cotillion, not a year. Oops). The error has been fixed, but I would like to notify all readers who have read the chapter before it was fixed that Sylphrenia is living in an apartment rather than at Auradon Prep.

I apologize for the error,

V Delightful

A knock sounded on Syl's door, and she opened it to reveal Jay, still dressed up in his Isle clothes. When he saw her, he swept her up into his arms and spun her around. Syl laughed, and when he set her down, he hugged her close, his breath warm on her ear. "I missed you," he whispered.

Syl threw her head back and laughed again. "You haven't seen me for a day," she drawled. "I wasn't sure I could make it." She grabbed is arm and led him into her apartment, and they sat down together on her couch, with Syl resting her legs on Jay's lap. "I saw you guys on TV," she said. "That was impressive how many applicants you guys got. I was worried too many people would be too nervous to come to Auradon."

"Yeah," Jay said, grinning and still looking elated. "I was worried we wouldn't be able to pick anyone with how many applicants we got. Just think of all the kids we can bring in next year." His eyes got dreamy, and Syl knew that he was envisioning the same thing that Evie had in mind.

"Maybe next year we can double the amount of kids chosen," Syl suggested.

Jay looked at her. "You don't think that will be too much for Auradon to handle?"

"No. I mean, as long as you keep choosing kids like Squirmy and Squeaky."

Jay caught her hand and pressed it to his cheek, nuzzling her hand. "You approve of my selection then?"

Syl smiled at him. "I was worried for a minute. I think Squeaky wasn't going to go with you guys if he had to leave Squirmy behind."

"We couldn't leave the twins," Jay told her. "Twins have a special bond, and those boys have never been apart from each other for more than a few minutes."

"I think they're the cutest kids I have ever seen," Syl confessed. "I can't wait to meet them."

"Just one more week," Jay said as he pulled her close and enveloped her in a hug. "Just one more week."

Sylphrenia woke up the next morning with a cough. She dismissed it, and left to help Evie with the preparations for the newest VKs, including preparing the decorations and styling their rooms to fit each person's personality, but when she almost fainted, Evie made Sylphrenia sit down and she called Jay to pick her friend up.

"I can handle the rest of the preparations without you," Evie reassured her friend. "All I need to do is frost the cupcakes."

"I'm fine," Syl said before she turned to cough into her arm. "I just got dizzy standing up so fast."

"You look like you might have a fever," Evie told her, holding a hand up to Syl's flushed face. "Jay is going to pick you up, and then you are heading straight home to relax. You need to be ready on Friday to come with us to the Isle."

"It's hot out. That's why my face is red."

"Uh huh," Evie said skeptically. "Jay will be here in a few minutes."

Syl scowled at her friend and opened her mouth to say something else, but before she could, she burst into a fit of coughing again.

Evie looked at her friend nervously and sat down next to her. "Could it be a cold?"

Syl shook her head. "I don't get colds." Evie opened her mouth to speak again, but Syl cut her off. "I don't get the flu either."

"This might be the first time you've gotten it," Evie suggested. The door bell rang and she stood up. "That should be Jay." She left the room but leaned back so she could see Syl. "Don't you dare get up."

Sylphrenia sagged back down on the chair, and Jay came in with Evie. He knelt down and placed his hand to her forehead. "Evie said you're coughing, you almost fainted, and you have a fever?"

"I'm not sick," Syl protested, and she stood up to prove that she could, but as soon as she got up, she wobbled and almost collapsed, Jay catching her before she fell.

"I'll get her home," he assured a worried Evie as he picked Syl up, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Just go home and rest," Evie instructed Syl as she followed Jay out of the mini-castle and to his car. "And take a vitamin C. And make sure to drink lots of water!"

Jay opened the door and set Syl into the passenger seat. Syl, too tired to protest, put her seatbelt on and rested her head against the seat. Jay climbed into the driver's seat and held her hand as he drove her to her apartment. When they reached the building, Jay looked over and saw that his girlfriend was asleep. He parked the car and carried Syl up to her apartment. When he arrived at the door, he dug into his pocket and found the key that Sylphrenia had given to him when she bought the apartment.

He opened the door and walked inside, kicking the door closed with his foot. He carried Syl over to her bed and set her down on top of the covers. Immediately, Syl sighed and curled up into her covers. Jay sat down next to her, and she buried her face into the side of his leg. He smiled and stroked her hair, frowning in worry as he touched her forehead, which was burning up.

Brows furrowed, Jay grabbed his phone and sent a text to Evie.

She's burning up. What do I do!

Evie sent her reply almost right away.

Wrap a bag of ice up and put it on her forehead. Make sure she stays hydrated, and if she gets the chills, wrap her up in a blanket.

Thankful for his friend, Jay got up from the bed, disentangling his hand from Syl's hair. She moaned quietly and rolled over, curling up in a ball. Getting worried, Jay rushed to the kitchen where he grabbed an ice pack from the fridge and wrapped it up in one of the spare towels. Striding back, Jay placed the ice pack on her forehead. Syl sniffed, but otherwise didn't do anything. Jay made another trip to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water and placed it on her bedside table.

Resolved that he couldn't do anything else but wait, Jay sat on the couch and waited for Syl to wake up. He soon fell into a deep sleep.

Jay was woken by Sylphrenia rushing by him to the bathroom.

Rubbing his eyes, Jay jumped up and followed her. "Is everything all right?" He walked into the bathroom to see Sylphrenia leaning over the toilet, throwing up. Jay immediately rushed toward her and held her hair back as she continued retching. When at last she was done, she sat back and wiped her mouth.


"For what?" Jay asked, confused.

"I won't be able to go with you guys to the Isle. I know you wanted me to be there."

Jay smiled and wrapped his arms around her. "It's all right. I know you can't help being sick. Besides, you just threw up. You getting better is more important that coming with us to get the new VKs. And besides," he drew back and looked her in the eyes. "There's always the next VK Day."

Syl smiled, but it was more of a grimace. "You're right."

"Go and lay down. You're looking tired." Jay was right. Sylphrenia was leaning on the floor to stay straight and didn't know if she could stand up again.

She made it up with Jay's help and, leaning heavily against him, she made her way back to her bed. Catching his hand as she sat down, she looked into his face. "Thanks. You're the best boyfriend ever."

Jay grinned back at her. "I know."

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