Chapter 6

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Sylphrenia sat in chemistry class, bored out of her mind. After she had discovered Mal's spell book, she had been forced to return to class. She didn't want to cause any suspicions if she skipped class, but at the same time, she felt no motivation to learn about Atomic Mass. What she really wanted to do was to see if she could find what the villain kids were going to do. And, Salophena forgive, she... genuinely enjoyed spending time with them.

Syl's reverie was broken off as Evie started whispering to her and Doug. "Any chance he's in line for a throne?" Sylphrenia turned to see where she was looking at and saw Chad Charming staring off into space with a lazy grin on his face. "Anywhere in line?"

"Chad. Prince Charming Jr., Cinderella's son," said Doug. Evie looked at Doug excitedly before turning to stare lovingly at Chad. "Chad inherited the charm, but not a lot of there there," continued Doug. "Know what I mean?"

Sylphrenia snorted. She couldn't help it. "He's a complete and utter idiot. With a lot of royal bias."

Doug gave her a semi-thankful. He disliked Chad as much as she did. "That's not how I would have worded it, but yes, Sylphrenia is correct."

Evie rested her head on her hand. "Looks like there there to me," she said, completely ignoring what the two had told her.

"Evie!" said Mr. Delay, the teacher. "Perhaps this is just review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?" He straightened up smugly, waiting for her to answer. Doug straightened up as well, looking at his fingers and seeming to calculate in his head what the answer was.

Evie stared at the teacher blankly. "Atomic weight?" She said. "Uh... well... not very much. I mean, it's an atom, right?" She smiled and let out a laugh. Chad laughed too, but Syl winced. She hadn't been paying attention to the teacher, but at she knew what they were talking about, and everyone should have learned it months ago. It was not a particularly hard topic to grasp, but Evie had gotten it wrong all the same.

Mr. Delaty beckoned Evie forth.

Sylphrenia glanced at Evie as she saw her pocket something before heading to the teacher. Maybe Mal hadn't been the only one to receive something from her parents. Sylphrenia watched with a renewed interest as Evie flounced up to the chalkboard. "Let's see." She took the chalk from Mr. Delay, and spoke while looking down at something. "How do I find the average around weight if silver?"

Syl's classmates looked on, impressed, as Evie wrote out a long calculation onto the chalkboard. Sylphrenia sat back in her chair as Evie was writing. What was a magical object that was related to the Evil Queen that if you asked a question, it would give you an answer? It really wasn't hard to guess. Somehow the Evil Queen must have gotten her hands on a shard of her magic mirror after the council had smashed it.

And she had given it to her only daughter.

Her only daughter who was using one of the most powerful magical items in the history of Auradon to cheat in class.

As Evie flounced back to her seat after showing off hit the class, Syl saw Chad slip her a note. Evie opened it and nodded at Chad after reading it. Syl looked at her three classmates: Evie with a dreamy look, Chad with a longing one, and Doug with a frown.

This was not going to end well, Sylphrenia realized.

Sylphrenia came back into her dorm to find Mal, Evie, and Jane sitting in different places around the room. Mal was drawing, Evie was sewing, and Jane was sitting on one of the beds.

"Mom said, 'If a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's not worth it,'" Jane mimicked in a singsong voice, looking up at Syl as she came in. She looked back at the other two and continued. "Can you believe it? What world does she live in?"

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