Chapter 13

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On the morning of the coronation, Sylphrenia sat on her bed as girls rushed in and out of her room. She had woken up to the commotion, and was not quite sure what was going on. Every now and again, she would get a glimpse of Mal with the same dazed expression Syl assumed was on her face.

"Where's my makeup?"

"My dress is too long!"

"I woke up with bedhead!"

Sylphrenia decided their room had become a hub to gain assistance getting ready for the coronation.

She herself did not have a dress she was planning on wearing, or plans on preparing for the ceremony. She had decided she would pick out one of her mother's old dresses and would put it on before they left.

Syl was just about to escape the madness of their room and go for a walk when Evie appeared out of nowhere.

"Why aren't you getting ready?"

Syl was about to answer, but Evie had already moved on. "No matter, the shower is free, come on!" She herded Syl through the mess of girls into the bathroom, and shutting the door behind her.

Syl looked around, dazed, before taking Evie's advice and showering.

When she was out, she ran into Mal, who was already in her dress. Behind Mal was a Evie, who was already ready for the coronation.

"Go get dressed. I noticed you didn't have a dress, so I made one for you. I'll do your hair when I'm done with Mal's," Evie said distractedly. "Now where did I put Ellie's dress?"

Syl shoved through the throng of girls until she got to her bed. She let out a breath of amazement. She would have to thank Evie when she wasn't so busy.

The dress was blue, and fit perfectly. The silk slid nicely on her skin and complemented her figure perfectly. Syl did a little spin in it, and it swished around her legs. She went over to her closet, where she grabbed a pair of shoes that she thought would go nicely.

By the time she was done, most of the girls had cleared out, going to their respective dorms.

Evie bustled out of the bathroom, looking pleased. "Finally, they left," she said. "Oh, you look beautiful! Now I just need to do your hair."

"Thank you for the dress," said Syl, following Evie to the bathroom where Mal was.

"Oh, no problem. I liked making you a dress. It's not every day you get to make something for someone so... perfect," Evie said.

Syl blushed.

"But your hair needs some work. Mal, you are looking amazing, so now I need some of you hair magic," Evie said, back in business.

Mal took out her spell book. "Ready Syl?"

Sylphrenia nodded. She had used glamours before, but never a switching spell. They were a bit more unpredictable.

Mal breathed in. "Beware forswear, replace the old with new hair."

Sylphrenia's hair was swept back. Pearls and glittering dust appeared from nowhere and dusted her locks.

"Wow, it's never done that before," said Mal.

"We're not done yet," said Evie, holding Syl's face and scrutinizing it. "Makeup is the last part. But..." She closed Syl's eyes and put on some eyeshadow. " already look like you are wearing makeup so we only need to add this." She finished the eyeshadow and showed Syl a mirror. The shimmery pearl color accented her eyes and brought out the decorations in her hair.

"Thank you," Syl said, smiling at them.

They all stood up and looked at each other in the mirror. "We look hot," said Evie, smiling.

Mal looked at the clock. "I need to go meet Ben!" she exclaimed.

"See you later!" Evie called.

"Have fun," Syl added.

Evie began grabbing her last minute things, including a blue vial of what appeared to be perfume.

"Ready?" Evie asked when she was done.

"Almost," grunted Syl. She was standing next to her mirror and was lifting it off the wall.

"What are you doing?" Evie asked, bewildered.

Syl just smiled at her, setting the mirror down on the floor with a loud thunk. Behind the mirror was a little alcove where a long box was sitting.

Syl grabbed the box and placed it on her bed. She turned around so Evie couldn't see, and slid something into her clutch. "Just something I think I'll need," she said, turning around. She hefted the mirror back up where it had been hanging and spun to face her friend. "Ready?" she asked Evie.

"Yeah," she replied.

They walked down the hallway. Evie was looking nervous. "Do you think Doug will still want to sit with me?" she asked suddenly.

Syl looked at her. "Doug is a smart boy. And a smart decision would be to ignore Chad, and follow his heart. And his heart leads directly to you," she said, putting her arm around Evie. "And if he doesn't, well, you still have Mal and me."

Evie smiled at her. "Thanks."

They arrived outside where the limos were waiting. All of the others had gone except for one.


Syl heard something behind her and she and Evie turned around.

It was Doug, who was looking very dashing.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, and I understand if you don't want to go with me, but-"

"Yes! I'll go with you!" squealed Evie, hugging him.

Doug grinned. "Then, if you will, m'lady." He lead a grinning Evie over to the limo and helped her inside.

Syl was about to follow, when she heard something else behind her.


She turned around. It was Jay, who looked very dashing.

"You look... uh, nice," he spluttered, gazing at her.

"Thanks," said Carlos, coming up behind him. He looked at Sylphrenia. "You look beautiful, Syl. Do you mind?" He held his arm up to her.

"Not at all," she said, taken aback. She took his arm , and he lead her to the limo, helping her inside.

They all piled in, and the car made its way to the cathedral.

Syl was nervous. What was going to happen? She didn't want to stop her friends, but if things didn't go the way she had planned... she would have to.

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