Chapter 19

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After lunch, Sylphrenia gave them a small tour of the grounds before Mal and Ben arrived. When they finally arrived, they found Jay picking brambles out of his shirt, Sylphrenia with grass in her hair, and the other three laughing.

"What happened?" asked Mal, getting off of Ben's scooter.

"Syl stole Jay's beanie," gasped Carlos. "They've been at it ever since."

"Hey guys, why are you so late?" asked Sylphrenia, coming over.

"We stopped to get lunch," said Ben.

"It was amazing," Mal gushed, but to Syl, she looked a little sad. Evie seemed to notice as well, and they gave each other a look. They would ask her about it when they were alone.

"So, what are we going to do now that we're here?" asked Carlos.

"I have to go and meet King Arthur," said Ben. "We'll have to go through all of the formalities, so it will probably take a while."

Syl nodded. "We can show you guys around the inside of the castle once I show Ben where the meeting is," she said.

"Yeah, we didn't get to see much of the inside," said Jay, staying away from Syl.

She glared at him. "That's because you were chasing me."

"Because you stole my hat."


"Guys!" Carlos stepped between them. "Let it go."

Syl and Jay playfully glared at each other before looking away.

"This way," said Sylphrenia, guiding them up the castle steps and through the double doors. "Someone will park your scooter."

She led them through the castle, back to where she met with Arthur and his knights. When Ben knocked on it and entered, she could glimpse the table and Arthur, but everyone else had left. The door banged shut, and they all turned to look at each other.

Evie yawned. "You know, we could get a tour of the castle by finding our rooms," she said.

"Agreed," said Jane. "I'm tired."

Sylphrenia lead the way down corridors and up staircases. They kept going up and up. "I asked Arthur to give us two of the suites," she said. "One will be for the boys and the other for the girls. But..." she took a breath. "...they're at the top of the towers."

They finally arrived at their destination. "Here's the boy's room," she said, pointing to a large door. "Girls are just up that staircase over there."

They bade their farewells and the girls followed Syl while the boys went to explore their rooms. As they ascended the stairs, Syl smiled back at her friends. "I gave us the good rooms. It's bigger, and we've got a better view." The other girls laughed, and they reached where they would be staying.

Sylphrenia pushed the door open, and they came inside. They were in a large circular living room, nicely furnished and with large windows that showed parts of the city, as well as the ocean in the distance. Doors ringed along the outside of the room, which Syl knew lead to different bedrooms.

The girls looked around in delight. "It's so beautiful!" Evie squealed.

"Wow," said Jane.
Mal flopped onto the couch, and Syl went over to sit next to her while the other two girls explored the rest of the rooms. "Okay, what's wrong?" she asked Mal.

Mal glanced around to make sure they were along. "Please don't tell the others."

Syl nodded. "Of course."

She sighed. "We went to eat, and some reporters were there..." Syl felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. Reporters never meant something good. "...and one asked me why I still dress the way I do if I'm a princess of the court. I just feel like I have so much more responsibility now. Now that I'm dating Ben, I'm supposed to be a princess." Mal glanced down. "Is it bad that... I want to go back to the Isle? I miss it, the freedom, everything."

Syl knew what she meant. When she first came to Camelot, everyone expected her to be perfect, to do good, to help the council. She had wanted to leave to Avalon, no matter how much she had disliked it there. It had been her home, it had been familiar.

Mal looked down. "Of course, it's stupid. I just need time to adjust."

Syl put her hand on her shoulder. "It's not stupid. Just give it some time. You'll become more comfortable with everything soon enough. And that's why you have us. To help you."

Mal immediately grabbed Syl's hand. "Don't tell my friends. They're just so happy, I don't want to ruin it for them."

Sylphrenia reluctantly nodded. "If you need help, just let me know. I'll be here." She stood up. "Now, let's go pick out our rooms before Evie and Jane claim all of them and we have to sleep on the couches."

The rest of the day was spent unpacking and exploring the castle. They all went down to dinner where they dined with Arthur and Teddy, before going to bed. Syl was excited for the next day where she could show them around the city. As she lay there, waiting for sleep to overtake her, she thought about Mal's dilemma. When Syl was experiencing those same feelings, she had done something rash. She just hoped that Mal didn't do the same.

Syl woke up, drenched in sweat, and having no knowledge of where she was. One moment, she had been feral, running through the woods, and the next minute, she had been lying there.

She was lying in a bed. It was white, with silver highlights. There was a window on the wall, but it emitted no light as it was still dark outside. There was a tapestry on the wall.

She looked at it. There was a sword in a stone. Camelot. She was in Camelot.

Syl sighed and heard the bell towers striking one. She smiled, remembering the first time she had came to Camelot. She had jumped every time a bell sounded, then ran, trying to hide under something. It had taken her months to get used to them.

She could feel the tug of Avalon. It was harder than when she had arrived. She had forgotten about the dreams. In Camelot, her memories of Avalon were brought to the surface of her memory. Especially during dreams when her mind was the weakest. In the forest where Merlin lived, it would be even worse.

Syl sighed, and got up. She needed to leave her room, she needed to get out, to feel the bare sky, the wind in her face.

She sighed and looked down at her nightclothes. She couldn't go out like that, so she snapped her fingers. Her nightclothes changed into proper clothes.

She slipped out the door and into the large living room. All was quiet as she slunk down corridors, losing herself in the dark. She traveled through the kitchens and went out the back door.

Outside, all was quiet except for the occasional bird or gust of wind. Syl relaxed, the claustrophobia of being inside lessening. Avalon's scream quieted in her head.

She traveled through the gardens and lawns, relaxing. At last, she came to a stream, and took her shoes off, placing her feet in the water. It was cold, but made her feel calm.

Sylphrenia looked down the stream. A clump of trees grew next to the water, and a figure rose up out of the night.

Syl froze, staring at the figure. She crouched down, moving foreword. Closer and closer she crept. At last, she could make out what it was: a statue.

Syl relaxed and came over to stand under the trees at the base of the statue. It was worn, but well kept, and she could easily recognize it.

Queen Guinevere stood in the darkness, the white of the statue reflecting by moonlight. Syl stepped back and sat on the roots of one of the trees, staring at it.

It was sad. King Arthur had proclaimed Guinevere dead, yet here she was, guarding what little land she had left, standing regal and tall, looking for her family.

Morgan had ripped them apart, as well as Syl's own family. Sylphrenia would right this. She had to.

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