Chapter 49

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Jay was leaning forward when Syl sat up straight. Thinking he had read the situation wrong and that she hadn't meant to kiss him, Jay flushed red. He turned away, running a hand through his hair. It was a nervous habit of his that he just couldn't seem to break.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" As he spoke, Jay turned to Syl and stopped short, staring at his girlfriend in concern. "Syl? Are you all right?" he asked nervously.

Syl was sitting up straight, as if her spine had suddenly straightened out. She wasn't looking at Jay at all. In fact, she didn't seem to be looking at anything. Her eyes were wide open, as if she had seen a ghost. Her eyes themselves weren't even moving, but they were focused on something only she could see. Syl's hands were gripping the white bedsheets tightly, one palm placed on either side of her as she dug her fingertips into the mattress.

The most unusual thing that Jay could see, however, was her hair.

The long wavy tendrils, which usually spiraled down to her waist, were floating. It looked almost as if Syl was underwater. Her hair swayed gently in a nonexistent breeze, curling up to splay around her neck and frame her face.

"Syl?" Jay tried again, grabbing her wrist gently.

One minute Syl was sitting there, and the next, Jay was pinned up against the wall, her forearm pinned against his throat. Jay's back flared out with pain from the force of hitting the hard stone and he gasped, trying to breathe from under her grasp.

"Syl!" he choked out.

But the worst thing, even worse than being choked by his girlfriend, was that Syl didn't seem to recognize Jay at all.

The girl growled, her hair still floating around her head. Syl's eyes were as vibrantly green as ever, but they were narrowed into an accusing, unfamiliar glare.

Jay gasped, running out of air as he desperately tried to push Syl away. No matter what he did, it seemed he couldn't get away from the girl that was 3/4ths his size. Her arm pressed tighter against his neck, effectively cutting off his air as Jay struggled. It was becoming hard for Jay to think, and his limbs became limp.

"Syl," he hissed out one more time. It was more of a moan than a word, but it caused Syl to freeze.

It was almost as if Jay had flicked a switch. Syl's hair dropped and her eyes widened, not in shock, but in fear. "Jay?" She whimpered.

Realizing what she was doing, Syl quickly drew her arm away from his neck allowing him to breathe. Weak from the lack of air, Jay sank down to the ground, massaging his sore neck.

Syl let out another whimper, and then a moan as she looked at her hands in fear. Her eyes flickered between her hands and her gasping boyfriend as she stepped away from him.

Jay looked up. "Syl," he said, using the wall to help himself stand up as he reached out to grasp her shoulder.

But Syl flinched back, fear flooding her face. "Don't touch me," she snapped. "I might hurt you."

Jay's heart broke at the girl's words. She seemed devastated and confused as she shrunk back against the opposite wall and held her head in her hands.

"You won't hurt me," Jay said, although it was hard to keep his voice soft when it rasped slightly from the pressure that had been placed on his neck. He stepped toward her, but Syl pressed herself flat against the wall.

"I already di-" Her shout immediately broke off as her eyes once again went wide. Her hair rose back up, once again giving her an unearthly look as she dropped her hands from her face.

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