Chapter 15

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After the hectic events of the coronation, everyone returned to Auradon Prep to prepare for the upcoming celebration. The ride back had been quiet. Sylphrenia could tell that Evie, Jay, and Carlos felt awkward with Doug, because they had just tried to steal the Fairy Godmother's wand. Sylphrenia herself felt awkward around them, because she had just told the whole community that she was a fairy.

She had been lying to them. That was what they must have been thinking. Of course, they had been lying too, but this was a big secret, one that they had not been expecting.

And she would need a good cover story.

The limo pulled into the school and everyone got out.

"I'll see you at the dance, then," said Doug, bowing to Evie.

She smiled at him. "Of course." She took Sylphrenia's arm, and they waved to the boys. "See you guys later,' Sylphrenia said.

They walked back to the room, not talking. Syl could feel that Evie was tense and she tried to ignore the fact that her wand was still in her purse. She would have to find a new hiding spot for it later.

They arrived at their dorm and entered. Mal was already there, sitting on her bed. Syl assumed that she had been waiting for them. Evie mumbled a quiet greeting as she shut the door. They all sat on their beds and stared at each other.

"We're sorry for not telling you about our alternate plans and for stealing the wand, and you are really our friend even if you don't want to be it anymore," Mal blurted out.

Syl was surprised. She had though that they were mad at her. "It's all right. I kind of..." she paused, "...already knew."

They looked shocked. "You knew?" Mal exclaimed.

"And you let us try to steal the wand anyway?" Evie asked incredulously.

Sylphrenia shrugged. "You guys are my friends. I trusted that you would make the right decisions."

Mal looked at her thoughtfully. "It was you that night," she realized. "You gave us the moonlight."

At this, Syl turned bright red. "Uh, yeah. I mean, I didn't want the potion to go wrong, because it can be really dangerous, and..." she trailed away, trying to think of more excuses. They just stared at her, and she decided to change the subject.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about my magic," she said, starting to recite the carefully crafted plan she had created in the car. "I just don't use it very often, and I don't really have a lot. Most of my magic actually comes from my wand." At this, Syl pulled out her wand, holding it up so they could see.

It was just a plain stick of rowan wood, around eleven inches long. It looked particularly ordinary, but it was very powerful. Sylphrenia's grandmother had crafted the wand when she was still young, serving in the winter court of Avalon. It had never failed its owners and had been passed down to her mother, and eventually to Syl.

Mal and Evie considered it. "Are you telling me that we could have just stolen your wand to open the barrier?" Evie asked.

"No," Syl lied. "My wand is not as powerful as the Fairy Godmother's so it would not have done very much good. Or in this case evil."

They smiled at her joke. "So are we good?" asked Mal.

Evie nodded, and Syl agreed. "We're good."

"Well in that case," said Evie, "we need to prepare for the dance." She looked excited. "It is so nice that all we need to do is change and freshen up. All of the hard stuff was done this morning."

"Yeah," said Mal. "After the coronation, this night will be a breeze."

They all started preparing for the dance, laughing and joking. All three of the girls were in a very good mood.

The dance looked absolutely magical. They had rented a castle that was not too far away from Auradon Prep. All three girls had gone in a limo together after for the dance. They were excited for the party that would end the day perfectly.

As soon as they arrived, Mal was swept off by Ben, and soon after, Doug found Evie and they left. Sylphrenia wandered around for a while before coming upon Jane, who was sitting by herself. Syl came up and sat beside her on the stone bench. "Hey, you all right?" she asked.

Jane looked at her. They had never really talked before, so she was surprised. "My mom was really mad with me, and now none of my friends want to hang out with me." She looked down at the ground. "Not that they wanted to do anyways, with my... everything."

Sylphrenia looked at her. "Why are you so focused on the outside?" she asked.

Jane shrugged. "It's all that people really see. Nobody takes the time to look deeper. Nobody really wants to."

Syl looked at her. "Well then." She stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Sylphrenia, and I want to be friends and to get to know the real you."

Jane looked at her. "Really?"


They shook hands. Sylphrenia nudged Jane. "Though, I think that we might have to do that later. I think someone wants to dance with you."

Jane looked up to see Carlos coming up. She stared wide eyed at Syl, and she smiled back at her, nodding her head towards him. "Go on."

Jane stood up and met Carlos, smiling at him. He smiled back, and they talked for a second before he offered her his arm. Jane took it, and they walked off. She turned her head and grinned at Syl, and Sylphrenia smiled back sadly.

She sat alone on the bench. People around her reveled with friends and partners, but still she sat, alone. Syl looked down, hating her hopefulness that something would happen. She felt the pressure of tears build up, but she forced them back down.

She looked up, and her heart almost stopped. Jay was standing a little way in front of her. He looked handsome standing there. That hopeful feeling welled up inside of her, wishing that he would turn around and look at her.

Their eyes met. His were sad, and she realized he had given up. She had held her moment in her hands, but she had lost it.

Sylphrenia saw Lonnie come up behind Jay and tap on his shoulder, looking happy. They broke eye contact, and he turned around to look at Lonnie. He smiled back, and she saw him offer up his hand to her. She took it excitedly. They walked to the dance floor, and Jay never looked back.

Sylphrenia felt as if she had cracked, but she pushed it down. For the first time in a long while, she felt the cold of the night seeping into her bones. She felt almost... human. Her emotions had made her vulnerable, and she hurt. It was a hurt that existed, but wasn't there. A loss for something that she never had.

She closed her eyes, letting the loneliness well up inside her. When she opened her eyes again, she was in her dorm, sitting her bed and staring into her mirror. Sylphrenia stood up, facing the figure standing before her. With a deep breath, she shoved her feelings out of her, into the person in the mirror. The person that was human. She was Lady Sylphrenia, child of the Lake, Champion of the Winter Court, a First Class Fey, the daughter of Nimue, the granddaughter of Salophena, Creator of the Vorpal Blades.

And she had work to do.

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