Chapter 21

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The sun was in Sylphrenia's eyes as she gripped the steering wheel. It had been starting to go down as they neared Auradon Prep. She could hear Evie, Carlos, and Jane chattering in the back seat, and Jay was stretched out in the seat, with his eyes closed, looking relaxed.

Sylphrenia smiled. It seemed like throughout the trip they had all gotten used to her driving. She took the next turn and applied the gas. It was going to get dark soon and she wanted to return to Auradon Prep when it was still light outside.

A feeling of contentedness welled up inside her. She and her friends had experienced a wonderful and fun winter break. Morgan had been taken care of, having been sent to the Isle of the Lost after being tried by the council. Everything was going well.

"You look happy," said Jay.

Syl glanced at him. He had sat up and taken his beanie off, running his hands through his hair.

She smiled. "I'm just happy to be back in Auradon."

"To go back to school?" cut in Evie.

She shrugged. "I've that feeling. It's going to be a good year." With this statement, she pushed the gas pedal more, and they sped off down the road.

Auradon Prep was silhouetted in the setting sun as they pulled up a few hours later. The outside was empty of cars and people. As soon as Syl stopped the car, Carlos jumped out and stretched.

"It feels so good to be outside for a minute. It feels like we've been traveling all day." He sighed before turning to help Jane out of the car, causing her to blush.

Evie and Syl shared a grin before Evie slid out of the backseat as well. Jay turned to Syl. "What do you do with your car?" he asked.

"I'll just take it up to the garage. Do you mind taking my bags?"

"Of course." He grinned at her and flexed his muscles. "Anything to-"

"Show off?" She pushed him lightly. "Out of my car."

He laughed and slipped out quickly, avoiding her hand as she kept shoving at him. Syl watched her friends open up the trunk and get out all of their belongings. Closing the trunk, Evie waved to her before stepping back. Syl waved back and pulled out to the street to head out to the garage. It was getting dark before she arrived at the back of the school where student parking was.

She scanned her card to open the gate and pulled into the deserted space. There was plenty of lighting and Syl found her parking spot easily, number 013. She pulled in and parked her car. She took her keys out of the ignition and sat back in her seat, closing her eyes and smiling. It felt so good to be back. All of her problems had been solved. She no longer had to find Morgan le Fay. All of her affairs with the council had been fixed. Now, she could just enjoy her time as a normal teenager.

Syl opened her eyes and grabbed the door handle, looking around the car to make sure that she hadn't forgotten anything before she headed into the school.

She noticed a glimpse of red on the floor in the passenger seat. Reaching over, Syl grabbed Jay's beanie. It must have fallen out of his lap when she had pushed him out, she realized. Laughing slightly at the delight she would have teasing about it later, she went to get out of the car. She should probably give it back to him...

Sylphrenia froze, halfway out of her seat. She would give it back to him. She hadn't given it back to him.

Syl racked her brain, trying to remember when she gave it back to him, but all she could remember was taking it, them fighting, and her resolving to not give it back for the whole trip.

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